Astrology Forecast for December 1-7, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for December 1-7, 2013

Yael Yardeni
décembre 1, 2013
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Hi everyone! This week is one of the highlights of the year, falling under the auspicious cosmic window of miracles, Chanukah. Plenty of great seeds can be planted this week and we do not want to miss that opportunity. We need to dream, and dream big!

When looking at the world’s chart we discover very interesting aspects. First, Neptune is now direct and in Pisces and the highest point of the chart is also in Pisces. Second, Jupiter, our guardian angel for the month, is located in the second house—the house of feelings and money. Third, the week starts with the Moon in Scorpio, in the 5th house, the house of global creativity.

How does all of that add up?

This is THE week where we cannot be afraid! This is THE greatest time to visualize a completely different and better future. And more importantly, due to inquisitive Scorpio (Moon, Mercury and Saturn are still in Scorpio), this is the time for ACTION also.

So what's the plan of attack?

It says in Genesis that man was created to "the image and resemblance" of the Creator. As we know, everything in the Bible is coded and a million times deeper than it appears. The Zohar (the main work of Kabbalah) wisely asks, why use two words to say the same thing? It seems totally redundant. Of course, the text is coded and its true meaning is an amazing discovery.

The kabbalists teach that all of us own two Lights. The first Light is the one that we reveal every day; it's the way we are in our lives right now and is influenced by what we have understood, accomplished, and integrated. In Kabbalah, we call it the “Inner Light.”

The second Light is the one we are really interested in this week. We call it the “Surrounding Light.” What is it? It’s THE Light that embodies our future and our new potential self, the way we are really supposed to be in accordance to our souls.

Since the energy of this entire week is all about revealing Light, revealing what is concealed, we need to hurry and start pushing all the cosmic buttons! But first, we need to reflect on our potential: let’s ask the following question and take notes: If a fairy could grant me a wish, what would I really want to do? Who would I really want to be? Right now the cosmos is illuminated, so the answer will be, too!

Once we have the final image, let’s immediately move to action and keep the momentum. Let's shake everything—make phone calls, contact people, send emails, and get moving immediately towards the Light of our potential. The cosmos is downloading the amazing energy of miracles this week. No question that we need to be the recipients of it!

I would also suggest that everyone call a friend and share their discovery: “That’s it! I got it! I decided to expand!” That way, we will help each other in making those changes.

The blessing of this week is a new pair of spiritually illuminated glasses to see our best future!

Let’s hurry and tap into all the miracles!


