Astrology Forecast for December 15-21, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for December 15-21, 2013

Yael Yardeni
décembre 15, 2013
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Hi everyone! Another very interesting time unfolds in front of us. When we gaze at this week's chart, we find some really interesting insights.

First of all, we notice that the chart opens up with Jupiter rising, which is excellent for growth and expansion, but not so great for our waistlines! So, everyone beware of excess! Obviously, this is a week of holidays so the cosmic reminder is welcome.

Mars is in peaceful Libra and the chart features the moon in Taurus. The moon will then enter Gemini in the middle of the week. Taurus points to a more domestic approach and it joins Jupiter's concern, which is in Cancer. Cancer is the sign of family and roots par excellence. Clearly, right now the message of the cosmos is family and roots centered, and indeed, the kabbalists have a lot to say about it!

The Zohar, the main text of Kabbalah, asks a question with humor, “Who needs enemies when we have families and relatives?” The truth of the matter is when we look at biblical stories, which families in the Bible are NOT dysfunctional? None! It seems psychologists in those days would have had a lot of work to do!

In the first ever family, one brother kills the other. Abraham is abandoned by his parents at the age of 3-months-old and is raised by angels. Then Lot, Abraham's nephew, marries a woman from the not-so-great city of Sodom. She turns into a pillar of salt and he sires children from his daughters. Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery and tell their father, Jacob, he is dead. This is good enough for an encyclopedia of psychopathology!

So, what's the lesson here? What's the deal? And how is it relevant to this week?

As usual, the kabbalists are the wisest people on earth.

The first lesson is about our expectations. For some unknown reason, we all have fantastic expectations of our families—they need to be supportive, kind, sharing, an example of righteousness, and of course, never ever disagree with the mistakes we make.

Well, newsflash! Everyone has problems. We all come into this world with a tikun, a correction we need to make (think: karma), and if we were perfect, we would surely be on another planet! We just need to realize and accept the fact that our families are not perfect either, and that’s OK.

Second, kabbalists pinpoint something amazing: they say that each parent is given the exact necessary “computer program” for each child. It's as if they are enacting a certain movie to teach us something. But, what if we have a parent who’s a grump, and who never ever stops talking about our shortcomings? What are we to do with that?

Let's try an experiment during the holidays: just smile and do not answer. Instead, run around and share with everyone. Let’s see if we can change our movies. Chances are they will be very surprised when we do not enter an argument. Let's use the position of Mars in Libra in the week’s chart to round the angles and bring Light and peace all around us.

Moreover, if conflict occurs around us, let's try to remind everyone of the good in each one and create a positive balance wherever we are. This is our opportunity this week to correct our roots and to inject positive energy where there are conflicts. Surely, this can be the beginning of a much better family dynamic for the future.

Let's get to work everyone and enjoy our holidays even more than usual!

Have a great week!


