Astrology Forecast for December 8-14, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for December 8-14, 2013

Yael Yardeni
décembre 8, 2013
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Hi everyone! Finally, we can breathe for a while! Right now in the cosmos there is plenty of the Sagittarius fire energy we've been waiting sooo long for! Thank God it’s finally here! A wind of Sagittarius freedom is blowing in the cosmos. It’s a great time to meditate, think, believe, and love!

That’s the best homework we've had in months! That is not to say that we should buy a one-way ticket to Honolulu yet. But with stronger spiritual work, we might do that sooner than we think. Besides this fantastic cosmic news, let’s see what can be done to continue improving our consciousness levels, this time with joy and happiness.

One of the important lessons of this week concerns the idea of appreciation and blessings. According to the kabbalists, we do not appreciate the great things life sends our way enough. Why? Because when it’s all good, it feels normal, like we've worked for it. When it’s not that great, we feel it’s the cosmos' fault, like something is going awfully wrong up there!

Of course, we know deep down in our hearts that this isn’t the case. Kabbalistically, WE are responsible on a soul level for everything that happens in our lives.

Ouch! This is so hard to hear and sometimes even harder to understand. However, WE CAN do something to make things better.

There is a simple exercise we can do this week. Wake up everyday with one thought in mind: identifying one blessing in our lives, one thing we need to be thankful for today. Try to find something new to be thankful for everyday. This will exercise the appreciation muscle in our brains, which in most cases, is quite atrophied.

A second point that is very important, particularily this week is about the people that we love. The astrological signature of this week’s chart is Pisces and it’s all about love and ending cycles (since Pisces is the last of the 12 signs).

How do we practice that this week? It’s very simple: each day let’s choose someone in our lives and pick up the phone to tell them how much we love them and appreciate the fact that they are in your lives. Yes, I know it may sound a bit “cheesy” to some, but the truth is, we never do enough of it. One day, when we are very, very old, we'll find that those closest to us really had no clue about how much they meant to us!

The kabbalists, in their infinite wisdom, ask a question: what would we do if today was the last day of our lives? Would we be busy buying the perfect coat, or the perfect car? Would we even think about what people think of us? Surely not! We would only concentrate on two things: the legacy are we leaving behind, and how much the people we love really mean to us. That simplifies our lives quite a bit, doesn't it? It’s so easy to fall into all the small details of daily life, and really forget what is essential.

There is an amazing story that I was told by one of our students many years ago. This particular student comes from a very poor background, and worked really hard to go to school, get a diploma, and earn a good living. One day, the student had a boat accident and was clinically dead for 20 minutes.

He recalls that his entire life flashed in front of his eyes really, really fast, but some sequences were shown to him in slowmotion. What sequences were these? The ones where he smiled and gave love, went out of his way to help others, and performed random acts of kindness. He said that when he finally woke up, he understood the message the cosmos was sending to him. It showed him what is really important in his life. That experience lead him to find The Kabbalah Centre, which has given his life a stronger meaning.

So guys, this week, we are consolidationg our love and appreciation and concentrating our energy on all the gifts we have in our lives.

It’s about time!

Much love to all and a great week!

