Astrology Forecast for February 23 - March 1, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for February 23 - March 1, 2014

Yael Yardeni
février 23, 2014
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Hi everyone! We are still sailing on the ocean of the first month of lunar Pisces. And surprise, surprise, we are in for a double whammy this year—two Pisces months will take place, one after the other. Double the pleasure! Why?

As we know, since the lunar calendar kabbalists use is very different from the Gregorian calendar, 7 times in 19 years, we add an additional month of Pisces. In Hebrew, the year is literally called a pregnant year! The calculations are fairly simple: since the lunar month is shorter than the Gregorian one (29 days instead of 30 or 31), we are going to lose some days along the way. So, an extra month is added to reestablish the natural order of the seasons. Kabbalistically, the pregnant years are considered very blessed and positive, since they bear fruit: an extra month of Pisces!

So, this year we are blessed with two Piscean months, and more than enough emotional roller coasters to deal with! But this week, we are still in good emotional shape. The world’s chart has some strong fire energy in it still, since the chart opens up with a moon in fiery Sagittarius and an earthy Virgo rising. The elements are very well balanced, pointing to some great lessons we can apply to our lives ASAP.

The first of these amazing lessons concerns learning. The kabbalists of all times were always strongly focused on educating people in every possible way—through classes, books, small study groups, etc. Many of us in the 21st century understand the value of education. So, what is the real message of the stars?

First of all, to state the obvious: we never know enough! Many of us sometimes feel like saying, “Yeah, yeah, I read that,” or “I’ve been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt,” or “Sure, I knew that!” These statements are said without a second thought. If we know so much, then why does the cosmos still insist on presenting us with the same concept over and over again?

Remember, the cosmos is a logical and perfect system. When it bothers to remind us of some information, that means we need to hear it again and understand it deeper! What the kabbalists actually teach us with a lot of humor is that most of us know enough to be dangerous! Yet, we should all adopt the attitude of Socrates who said, “I know one thing; that I know nothing.”

The first lesson is about humility and depth of understanding with the information and knowledge the cosmos presents to us on a daily basis. The second lesson is much more proactive. We are familiar with the saying, “Ignorance is no excuse.” Well, this is THE week to go take a course, inquire about deepening our studies, invest in continuing our education, and of course, attempt to be a lot more proactive about our spiritual studies. Science tells us we are not even using 5% of our brain’s abilities! There is a “muscle” in our head we haven’t used much yet, and it’s our spiritual muscle.

A recent study published in Time Magazine actually shows that people who meditate on a regular basis, or who focus a part of their time on a spiritual study of some sort, have completely different brain waves than the rest of us! Moreover, CAT scans show that parts of the brain that are not usually activated in the average population, were actually lit in spiritually oriented people! It seems their potential is better used.

Interestingly, this energy appears in the most intellectual of all the water months, Pisces! In kabbalistic astrology, Pisces is considered the air of the water. Those born under this sign are naturally more spiritually or philosophically inclined.

Kabbalah has explained for centuries that the critical mass of enlightenment for the world is not in the number of people with a higher consciousness, but rather in the quality of their spiritual quest. So, what are we to do? It’s very simple; this week let us open ourselves up to learning with greater enthusiasm. Ask a thousand questions if needed! This is an unbelievable time to rekindle our studies, spiritual or otherwise. Why not go back to school if it feels right? Every one of us can gain a higher consciousness with just a little effort.

Wishing all of you a very enlightened week!

Much love,

