Astrology Forecast for February 9-15, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for February 9-15, 2014

Yael Yardeni
février 9, 2014
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Hi Everyone! We are full blast in Pisces this week, so let’s take advantage of the current cosmic energy! What's in it for us?

The world’s chart opens up with a moon in Gemini, a Leo rising, and a strong, still Aquarian trend. Needless to say, these are the most charismatic signs, and it will create a beautiful foundation and positive energy for our careers, businesses, and networking.

Anything to do with what we do for a living is very supported by the stars. I strongly advise all of us to get out of our comfort zones this week and make new social contacts, bring new clients in, and overall project ourselves more than usual. If you don't have a Facebook page yet, go for it! The more shy souls amongst us, should be speaking more loudly and more often!

This is also a great time to enter new work partnerships. Though, care should be taken to square everything legally! As long as proper contracts are agreed on and signed, all will work better than expected and a lot of inspiration will come our way.

So far, so good! So where’s the catch? What challenges can we expect right now?

Well, we have a bit of an issue this week with the relationship we have with… ourselves!

What does that mean?

On the one hand, we feel valued and charming this week. On the other, we need to ask ourselves a very essential question: How important is what other people think of us? Are we addicted to love and appreciation from others? How do we feel when people disagree with us? Do we lose ourselves trying to convince them we are right? Or do we just join them no matter what in order to be loved?

I know, after everything we've said before, it’s a bit of a prickly question to ask. But without a proper consciousness, we won't be able to take full advantage of this week’s brilliant energy. This week, let’s decide that the only one we are looking to satisfy and get approval from is our own soul! How? By injecting a sharing energy into everything we do.

In the work place, always look for win-win situations. Among friends, be sure to project yourself with more integrity and genuiness. Most importantly, do not be afraid to show your weaknesses!

This week, let's go for more transparency and put our masks down. I am sure it feels quite risky to many, but the law of the universe dictates that we invest spiritual energy in order to retrieve blessings.

Let's try a simple exercise this week—when asked how we feel, answer genuinely! “I am scared of my new job.” “I made a mistake yesterday.” “I am afraid I won’t be loved if I don't do what you are asking me.” Simply volunteer your state of mind as genuinely as possible, without questioning what people may think.

French philosophers have a nice way of expressing this: don't busy yourself asking what people think of you, because right now THEY are very busy asking themselves what you think of them.

Bottom line: everyone is only busy with themselves.

This week we are implementing a brand new behavior, and let me tell you, miracles WILL happen. The minute we tell it like it is without thinking about another’s opinion, a whole chain reaction starts. Even random people will start confessing things about themselves and their feelings!

Remember, the cosmos always echoes us; the more truthfulness we inject in the cosmos this week, the more genuine people and opportunities will come our way.

Wishing you a clear and brilliant week!


