Astrology Forecast for January 19-25, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for January 19-25, 2014

Yael Yardeni
janvier 19, 2014
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Hi everyone! I hope the new Gregorian year is treating you well!

This week, we are entering another cosmic zone that’s a bit different from what we have encountered previously. Let's look at the world chart and find out what is going on.

We immediately notice two polarities in the chart: very strong Leo energy (moon, rising sign, and black moon are all in sunny Leo), while the rest is still a bit heavy from the Capricorn/Saturnian side (right now the sun, Venus, and Pluto are all placed in Capricorn). Thank God, Mercury is already in Aquarius to ease our contacts and communication skills!

We are basically caught in a sandwich between Leo and Capricorn—the brightness of the Sun and the heaviness of Saturn. What is the lesson here?

The one commonality these two signs share is their love for justice. An apparent absence of fairness will trigger a very annoyed, sometimes angry reaction, or even worse, a complete volcanic eruption in both signs.

So you've guessed it—our challenge this week will be about life situations where an absence of fairness is felt, and the moments when we ask the famous question, why me? We all go through this maybe ten times a day. Here is the thing, kabbalistically, if we ask why me when a grumpy situation occurs, then it is only fair to ask the exact same question when something amazing happens.

We learn from Kabbalah that the cosmos is very logical, consistent, and simple (the complete opposite of its inhabitants, i.e. us). Do we ever think about asking why me when we win the lottery or fall in love?

What are we to do then? First of all, what we perceive as fair or unfair is completely obsolete most of the time. Why? Because we only see one third of the real picture, at best.

Kabbalists ask, are our five senses reliable at all? Well, not really. A recent scientific study based on a life expectancy of 80 years old, showed we spend an average of two years of our lives looking for things: keys, notebooks, you name it! We also spend about ten years worrying about things, and that does not include the amount of time we spend sleeping or resting—not a lot of time left for the rest!

Very simply, our perception and the reality that follows, is often times completely distorted! How can we then be so sure something is fair or unfair? The days we wake up on a right foot, nothing seems unfair. Remember the days when we were truly in love? Everything looks so harmonious in the universe, so perfect… That’s exactly what the cosmos looks like from above!

We really want to connect with that particular reality this week. Think how everything in the creation is so perfectly orchestrated: the planetary movements, the seasons, the cycles of nature—honestly, the only creature that complicates everything is us! We have never seen the sun refusing to rise one morning because it did not get the appreciation it deserves. We need to embrace certainty this week, knowing that we may not understand everything that's happening right now, but soon enough, with a bit of openness in our hearts, we will.

The second lesson of this week is about judgment of ourselves, others, our country, the economy, politics, etc. Kabbalistically speaking, the minute we access an energy of judgment, chances are, things are about to get really complicated for us. We cannot open other people’s spiritual files without having ours opened at the same time! Remember, the cosmos is simple and logical. If we want to be judgmental, we better be bulletproof, or born a Moses or a Jesus! If that’s not the case, we should just let it go. With a bit of patience and certainty, the truth will always come out!

I remember many years ago being in the Kabbalah Centre in London, on my way to lecture about the same topic, truth and fairness. Listening to the radio on my way, the news broadcaster announced that a crime that occurred 80 years ago had finally been solved. Proof had been discovered that a certain country man, who was suspected at the time, had indeed killed the person he was thought to have killed. Eighty years later, the cosmos took care of bringing the truth to the surface! I promise you one thing: we do not have to wait 80 years. A couple of days will suffice!

Our homework this week is to connect with the real cosmic fairness and the beautiful harmony that exists in our universe. Let's just be more patient and compassionate to the mistakes of others and many great surprises will be waiting for us in the near future.

Have a wonderful and fair week everyone!


