Astrology Forecast for January 26 - February 1, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for January 26 - February 1, 2014

Yael Yardeni
janvier 26, 2014
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Hi everyone! Another great week unfolds! Let us see how we can benefit from the very unique energy of this week.

As usual, we will be looking at the closest friend we have in the cosmos: the moon. Science has discovered numerous unbelievable qualities about Earth’s only satellite.

Apparently, the reason why the moon is “dead” is because for millions of years it has intercepted many meteorites from outer space on their way to Earth, our blue planet, to lead it to doom's day! Interestingly, kabbalistic astrologers from ancient times define the moon as the “protector” of earth. We also know that the moon rules the tides, and affects all the waters of the world. My friends, don’t forget 60% of our bodies are water!

So let's take a closer look at where the moon is positioned at the seed level of this week—in intense and deep Scorpio and conjunct to infamous Saturn. Now that’s quite a combo! On one hand, the world’s chart is slowly letting go of the heavy energy of Capricorn and giving in to much happier and lighter Aquarius. But on the other hand, the cosmos is asking us to do some introverted research about the way we feel and the way we respond to money issues. Scorpio is the sign of finance, and Saturn is the IRS!

That seems like a completely random connection, money and feelings? How are they related?

Here is some kabbalistic news: there are three criteria to help us evaluate any human on the planet. We can remember it as the three Ks. The Aramaic words are kiso, kaasso, and koso.

  • Kiso is the way a person handles his money (kiso literally means “pocket”).
  • Kaasso is how he acts when he is really angry (kaasso means “anger”).
  • Koso is the way he handles his wine (koso means “glass”).

Wow! Before evaluating anyone else, let us look at the way WE respond to these things first!

This week, the universe has us concentrate on our finances and the ways we share with others. So ask yourself, ‘How do I handle my money?’ Are you too generous, too stingy, messy, careless, or simply not interested? How do you feel when someone you lent money to pretends it never happened? How do you respond to being given less than what you deserve? How do you cope with money loss? Obviously, it's not simple. But we do want to gain a greater understanding and a better consciousness about this really prickly topic.

According to a recent survey, people have less reservation talking about sex, than they have talking about money! So let’s break this taboo together and gain insight, since a lot of tests will come our ways regarding money this week. Surprise, surprise!

There are three great cosmic lessons to be learned this week.

First, Saturn, our famous IRS, demands ORDER from us. This is the week to run to your banker, work on better credit, and make sure there are no money leaks (for example, the gym membership we pay for every month, but never use). It's as simple as that. In cases of debt, we still need to confront the problem and run to a financial advisor to see what can be done about it. Remember, the effort you make is your spiritual investment for the year. You will be paid back for sure!

Second, this week's chart opens with the sign of Leo conjunct with the black moon in Leo. A complete contradiction to the Scorpio energy we mentioned earlier. Leos are either the largest and most sharing souls on the planet or the stingiest, meanest individuals, in a Scrooge type of way. There’s nothing in between!

The cosmos is pointing to these exact types of behavior. Most of the time, we give and share to those whom we possibly shouldn't, and neglect to give and share with those whom we actually should! Imagine having a friend, a brother, or a son you love so much, that you can't say no. Imagine that soul constantly reemerging in your life for rescue. Guys, this is the time to put your foot on the breaks!

Sure, we want to help, but are we TRULY helping? Sometimes saying “no” is the biggest aid. So this week, let's look and make some tough and really uncomfortable decisions when we need to, because cosmically, giving when we shouldn't is like bleeding out our energy!

The third lesson is very simple: just share more unconditionally. In business, let's adopt a more win-win type of attitude. This is the week to cleanse our consciousness, remove the “what's in it for me” behavior, and simply step out of our comfort zone by sharing where we usually don't. Share with the world and more global causes to create big changes of consciousness. Find your own calling!

This week, the cosmos is paving our way to greater success. We can tap in by simply by using these three suggestions available to all of us.

Have a wonderful and abundant week!


