Astrology Forecast for July 14-20, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for July 14-20, 2013

Yael Yardeni
juillet 15, 2013
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Hi everyone! This is it! We are at the last straight line of our three week marathon against negativity and hatred for no reason!

Many astrological events need to be discussed.

As you probably already noticed, Mercury has been in retrograde motion since June 26th. We are struggling to be understood or to simply transmit information in a simple way. We are almost there—on July 20th we will be out of the woods communication-wise too. Keep your patience and text everything at least twice.

This week’s chart is soooo watery! Imagine that, 10 planets and aspects in water. Since we've been talking about it in the past weeks, you must be used to so much water and emotion by now.

But what really interests us this week is the chart of a day called The 9th of Av, or Tisha B’Av, which is kabbalistically, the most challenging day of the year. Its energy will enter on July 15 at dusk wherever you are in the world and last until the next evening at nightfall. For that specific day we will need a very specific awareness.

The kabbalists in their infinite wisdom, explain a very interesting fact: we cannot have everything "perfect" in our lives. Why? Because our world is a work in progress and it’s our job to fix it, better it, and correct ourselves in the process. Many problems start when we decide it must be perfect—my relationship, my job, my family, my environment, it all has to be perfect .

Oh, dear. This is usually when all hell breaks loose.

But why? A perfect world where everything will work easily and smoothly does not sound like a bad idea. Here is the catch: when we are busy making everything sooo perfect, we miss something really important in our lives—people.

When we think about it, everything in our lives is about relationships—first our parents, then our siblings, then peers at school, etc. Our lives are all about mending relationships, and that’s far more important than having the perfect environement or event or job. Kabbalistically, it is very much a utopia.

Here is a story about what caused a big disaster on the day of 9th of Av about 2000 years ago.

Imagine two families who have a real beef with each other for a long time. The daughter of one plans to be married and a wedding invitation is sent to the opposing family by mistake! The day comes and the whole town is at the wedding rejoicing. A family member of the enemy family shows up (he did get an invitation after all), just to be humilitated and screamed at by the hosting family. It pretty much goes down something like this:

-How dare you show up?

-But I've got an invitation! I thought it would be time for peace…

-No way! Get out of here.

-Please don't do this I'll pay for the whole wedding, all I want is not to be humiliated.

That didn't help. He is kicked out in great shame and in front of everyone. He did get his revenge much later. But what the kabbalists explain is triple fold:

1. Why humiliate the poor folk; just let him be. Spiritually, it wasn't a mistake, but an opportunity.

2. The story says all the great sages that were present during the incident, didn’t even budge! They thought more about their own names and respect than what was right.

3. This is a story that seems so silly. Why all the fuss?

It says that the great Temple, the source of all Light for mankind, was destroyed on that negative day because of that incident or what we call in Kabbalah, hatred for no reason.

How many of us have just such stories in our families? Most of us do! But there is a line we should never cross—in Kabbalah everything, especially our egos and pride, can be sacrificed for the sake of people. All the host needed to do was say, “Oh whatever, you are here today. Sit and enjoy in peace.”

Let’s take a good look at the chart: many planets are in Cancer, which is very connected to family matters. Don't be surprised if many family issues reemerge this week. We know that water and water signs have a memory. This is the exact time we need to remove all the bad memories and negative history with people in our movie. Clearly, some people have hurt us badly in the past. Our teachers, Rav and Karen, always say, "These people destroyed our past. Do we also want them to destroy our future?"

Therefore, now is the perfect time for introspection, forgiveness, love for no reason, and more openess to others. On the 9th of Av, the moon has already shifted to Libra, allowing us to take a look at each side of the coin. That’s why everything cannot be perfect—there are always two sides, not only my side.

This week, we receive the energy to look deeply into many not-so-easy things. Make the decision to let them go. Be comforted and consoled by the cosmic energies for the pain we have endured. Chiron the healer, in Pisces, will help us wash away all the negativity and hurt we have felt.

This week, seek humility and kindness, to sweeten all the judgments of the past. Remember, starting on the 15th of July at dusk (especially on the 16th and continuing through the 17th), be compassionate, do not take any risks or new ventures, and be introspective and loving.

Have a very comforting week!


