Astrology Forecast for July 21-27, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for July 21-27, 2013

Yael Yardeni
juillet 22, 2013
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Hi everyone! Thank God we are done with the infamously rough three weeks! This week we are entering a much more compassionate zone. Phewww! It was about time.

An amazing yearly event occurs this week: the kabbalistic Valentine’s Day! The spiritual holiday of love will occur Sunday July 21st at dusk and and continue through Monday. Special connections are made that day in every Kabbalah Centre around the world.

This is great news after three weeks of a grumpy universe!

This cosmic event always happens during the full moon of the lunar month of Leo. Kabbalists consider it to be the marriage between the moon and the sun. It is said that in ancient times on that day, all the singles would dress in all white, and walk through the fields to find their soul mates. The exchange of clothes was to remove the illusion of rich or poor, so one wouldn’t know the status of their soul mate when they met. We could use a bit of that certainty today.

Let’s discover what the cosmos is telling us this week!

First of all, we have a beautiful trine in water signs, which will make the cosmic energy flow easier. (The trine has been present for a few weeks, but was difficult to access due to the grumpy cosmic state.)

Secondly, there's a lot more fire energy available cosmically, since we are already in Leo, and that will play a great role in increasing laughter and joy. A perfect week to take every situation with humor—we needed that!

Planet Neptune, the inspirer, is located at the ascending sign of the chart. We want to allow our dreams to take shape. This week is a great time to try a quick meditation in the morning, while imagining the ways our lives should be, could be, and will be with just a bit of effort. We learn kabbalistically that everything happens in the 99% first; it has to be conceived in our minds first, then it can manifest.

This week, I think a very important leap of faith has to be taken: we have to use the current cosmic energies to shake out limited thinking and pettiness. Let’s be honest, most of us are good people. But don’t we become a bit grouchy when other people get what we wanted first? We can feel a little pinch in the heart at first, which of course is followed by joy for them. Let's admit it—it’s difficult not to have that little pinch.

Believe it or not, that’s exactly what the current Zohar portion of Ekev talks about this week. We have to eliminate from our hearts anything that can separate us from others. Obviously, it won't happen in two minutes. But we have to start somewhere, and the cosmos is helping us this week.

If we want to use the water trine to our advantage, we have to open the fountains of love in our hearts and use that amazing, flowing energy proactively.

How do we do that? Love is on the agenda this week. First, make a list of all the people you love. You may discover that there are many of them, and that list is constantly increasing!

How do we draw more love into our lives? Try this very simple exercise: commit random acts of kindness—maybe just a smile or a gesture towards others every day of this week. Let’s call it a love marathon!

Stay conscious this week that love is in our hands; the more we share, the more we will receive. As you know, the word Kabbalah means to receive in hebrew. Sometimes, it’s difficult to continue to love when there is a lack of reciprocity or response. But that’s our challenge this week. Because everything in the cosmos works in reverse, we need to share in order to receive! It’s just like our sight; we see upside down and our brain puts the image back into place.

In short, we want to run the nicest marathon on the planet this week. Continue spreading love and kindness everywhere you go and stay open to lovely surprises of the heart!

Have a fantastic week!

Love and Light,

