Astrology Forecast for July 28 - August 3, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for July 28 - August 3, 2013

Yael Yardeni
juillet 29, 2013
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Hi everyone! There is a very interesting week ahead of us! Guess what… We are starting a new marathon—the weeks that lead to the cosmic New Year: the new moon of Libra, called in Kabbalah Rosh Hashanah (literally: head of the year).

There are seven weeks between the 9th of Av (remember that most challenging day of the year?) and Rosh Hashanah. During this time we prepare our souls and our vessels, cleaning them up to receive the new Light and energy of the new year ahead.

Let's imagine for a moment that our souls are like rechargeable batteries. The time to charge them again is on the cosmic New Year. Most of us receive enough battery for the entire year to come. Unfortunately, others only get recharged for a short time. In order for the recharge to be efficient, we use these seven weeks to cleanse, reflect, and prepare a new vessel, so we can receive stronger energy for the next year.

What's the chart like this week?

We are still in a very watery and emotional atmosphere. The difference this week is that the water energy empowers our "sight" and is directed towards intuition, new beginnings, and change.

How so? The moon, which is the internal energy or soul of the chart, is located in Aries, the pioneer, in conjunction with Uranus, the researcher and the innovator. At the same time, Saturn, the cosmic IRS, is in Scorpio in conjunction with the north node in the 8th house of the chart, the house of reinvention, transformation, life, and death.

How amazing that the cosmos supports every step of our spiritual journey!

Saturn and the north node (the tikun point of the chart) are both in Scorpio, helping us to better see and understand our correction or karma.

What does that mean on a practical level?

Guys, get ready to really be tested this week! The cosmos is going to show us all of our shortcomings, hidden agendas, and reactivity.

The trick is to not become blue or depressed about it. To the contrary! It’s about "wow" moments. When this happens, we are really clearing up things.

Neptune, the inspirer, will help us see our illusions a lot better. But picture this, Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury work in conjunction, which is amazing for communicating, moving forward, expanding our vessel, and feeling the energy of our potential!

At last! It was about time!

The mid-heaven or higher point of the chart is in Sagittarius, to teach us more and promote optimism about the journey ahead.

Of course, everything is connected; this week's portion is called Re'eh, which means to see. It’s such a powerful energy that there is no Zohar explanation for that portion. It stays in the level of secret, which makes sense, since it's all about inner sight, inner understanding.

This week, let's talk about our hopes and our weaknesses with others, let’s share our journey.

Our homework is to ask someone we love very much, "Tell me, what do I need to change? What do you feel is getting me stuck in my spiritual journey?" Expect to have unbelievable feedback, an amazing new insight and to really, really grow from it!

Have a great week everyone!


