Astrology Forecast for June 1-7, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for June 1-7, 2014

Yael Yardeni
juin 1, 2014
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Hi Everyone! The month of Gemini is just starting! Every single one of us will be bathing in that particular atmosphere for the next 28 days! We better be prepared, so let's get some deeper insights…

First of all, Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury (in Aramaic it is called Cohav, literally star). The character of this celestial body is actually quite surprising. This is the closest planet to the Sun and therefore, has the fastest orbit. It’s also the second smallest planet in our solar system and has the greatest temperature range, from ultra cold (-170 c) to ultra hot (430 c) in a single day! Just like the sign, it blows hot and it blows cold!

The nature of Mercury explains a lot about the nature of the sign Gemini: quick, sharp, hot and cold. Indeed, Mercury rules intellect, communication, education, and transportation.

Geminis are social and communicative—they even talk in their sleep! This is a very gregarious sign that loves gossip and juicy stories, and has a way of finding out about the secret lives of everyone around them. Journalism is a great career for these people. Extremely curious, they are known for their fantastic and often photographic memory. Geminis are usually gifted with a keen ear for languages, and the power of their speech is legendary.

Many politicians are born under this sign, because they can convince Eskimos to buy ice. A significant amount of thieves and criminals are also born under this sign. A good Gemini always has plan B under their sleeves, as well as a few white lies that will come handy. Their biggest downfall is that it’s very hard to get to know them completely, since they have no time for feelings. In short, we have the perfect Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!

This week's chart reflects this duality. On the one hand, the rising of the world's chart is no nonsense Capricorn, with even more serious Pluto conjunct to it. And Uranus in Aries is in the house of communication (the house of Gemini) cutting off any unnecessary feelings or shenanigans.

On the other hand, the moon is in moody Cancer, conjunct to Jupiter (in Cancer as well). Plus, Mercury is already located in Cancer. Altogether we have seven water planets in the cosmos. That hasn’t happened in a while!

The goal here is very clear. The universe is pushing us to express our feelings, but in a more matter-of-fact way. Our lesson is to open up to others more, but without all the drama and the tears! Simply, allow it to stem from a desire to share what's happening within your heart with another.

This is quite a challenge; it’s a difficult balance to achieve. Many of us are overly emotional and very involved with what we are going through. Maybe too involved! If that’s the case, we need to rebalance ourselves and move towards expressing facts rather than very dramatic feelings.

The ones amongst us who really dislike entering the realm of emotions do not have a choice this week—emotions MUST be expressed and dealt with. Emotions are simply energies. We just can't shove them in a closet and pretend they don’t exist. They tend to come back with revenge! Since we are in the very beginning of Gemini, it's an excellent time to reach out to express more of who we are and what we feel, but in a more healthy and balanced fashion.

In this month lies the power of what kabbalists call the “central column” energy: the power of perfect balance and equilibrium in our hearts and souls. What better way to start our lunar month than to proactively open ourselves up with balance and harmony!

Have a wonderful Gemini experience! More to come!


