Astrology Forecast for June 15-21, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for June 15-21, 2014

Yael Yardeni
juin 15, 2014
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Hi everyone! So, here we are, right in the midst of our Gemini month! This week, we really want to pay particular attention to the planet that rules Gemini and Virgo, planet Mercury, and its very peculiar current aspects.

The position of Mercury this week is not the easiest, nor the most pleasant one! First of all, as you probably already found out, Mercury is indeed in retrograde motion until the 2nd of July. I’m sure you can guess some of the implications.

Care should be taken while travelling and in transport in general, as well as the awkward moments of miscommunications, or "Tower of Babel" syndrome, as I like to call it—everyone talking, but on a complete different frequency and wave-length. This, of course, is likely to create many mishaps, a bit like a cinematic comedy!

So, my friends, the first recommendation is to remember to make every conversation a more precise and focused one by asking yourself as many times as necessary, “What were we talking about?” and confirming, “Yes… that is what I meant!” Do not hesitate to resend the same email three times just to make sure all is understood.

I also strongly suggest triple checking every contract before signing anything. Think of Mercury retrograde like a computer virus that enters every mode of communication. The antivirus is our consciousness! Some astrologers advise against signing any contracts during this time. I wouldn’t go that far, but I would be extra cautious.

Second, the aspects of Mercury this week happen to be complicated. Since Mercury is in a water sign, the sign of Cancer, it creates many aspects to other planets in water, like Neptune and Saturn, respectively in Pisces and in Scorpio. So, we get a triad of difficult planets, all in water! Needless to say, it will create an oversensitive climate between people. We may all feel very hurt or annoyed at small things that wouldn’t normally matter. So, let’s make sure to stay grounded and not assume anything. The best spiritual advice this month is to remove the space between ourselves and others.

It's interesting that Pluto (still in Capricorn) is very close to the ascending sign and the chart’s moon. Pluto is about looking inwards and reinventing ourselves. Usually this type of energy always appears towards the end of Gemini and the beginning of Cancer. Kabbalistically, it is extremely significant as both Gemini and Cancer are plagued with self-doubt.

The best way to create an antidote to these doubts is by simply getting closer to others. Why is that? The minute we stretch ourselves a bit and reach out, we'll find out that many of our thoughts were a complete illusion. Maybe we imagined that X and Y don't appreciate us enough, or that they think negative thoughts about us. God knows what horror movies play in our heads sometimes!

So, this week a very important homework assignment is to call someone we have had difficulties with in the past, or maybe still have issues with, and simply ask (without apologizing or justifying anything), “How are you? I have been missing you! Is everything alright?” This simple action will clarify and clear the air, so to speak. Remember we are in Gemini, the air of all the air signs, so be sure to speak from your heart.

Third, the correlation between Neptune, Saturn, and Mercury, all in water, can create issues with the element of water, to put it mildly. Last week, there were already very difficult water accidents reported. The seas are rougher than usual; swirls may appear, so we need to be very cautious.

Those of us who have planned a weekend on a boat or a surfing trip will need to be really careful, and double-check the weather. And definitely no scuba diving this week! That should probably be postponed until an easier time of the year, like the beginning of July. This remains true for swimming pools, too. We need to keep a close eye on children while they are in the water.

Remember, it's about consciousness and extra care! No need to be scared; simply keep up your spiritual work and be proactive with the information we have been given. Guys, this week we can gain a beautiful spiritual jump by getting closer to others. Let’s make it happen!

Have a safe week!


