Astrology Forecast for June 16-22, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for June 16-22, 2013

Yael Yardeni
juin 17, 2013
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Hi everyone! Let's carefully examine what this week has in store for us.

Astrologically, there has been a series of lunar eclipses in the past few years. Some have occurred more recently—on April 25th in Scorpio and on May 25th in Sagittarius. The latest carried a very important lesson: avoiding gossip and talking about others.

At the same time, Saturn moved into inquisitive Scorpio on October 5th, 2012 and will operate out of that region until September 2015. Why is this important, you ask?

The chart of this week is extremely Scorpio oriented. There are 4 different planets and aspects in Scorpio, and a total of 8 water planets in the cosmos. Oh my, prepare the tissues! We are literally in an ocean this week.

Get prepared to feel everything and sense everything. You may also be overwhelmingly sensitive to criticism and jealousy. What happens when we feel too vulnerable and too self-conscious? We start looking for greener pastures elsewhere. It’s a human response and easier than changing.

The energy of the water signs always comes with a singular package: low self-esteem. We are now in full-blown Cancer, and as we know, the moon rules the month. Since the moon reflects the light of the sun and does not have any light of its own, the native of Cancer will feel that lack.

The kabbalists teach us that during the Creation of the world, the two luminaries, moon and sun, were of equal size and light. The Zohar says that the moon went to the Creator to complain about it. "How will people differentiate between the two of us?" argued the moon. “We are so alike!”

“Fine,” said the Creator. “You will diminish yourself, and rule during the night, while the Sun will rule during the day.”

Oh my! What a shock for the Moon! (I personally think the Cancerians are still recovering from that shock.) What is the meaning and lesson of the story? The one who complains is the one who will have to diminish him or herself in the end. We need to understand this lesson.

Be prepared, this week we are predisposed to comparing ourselves to others, complaining, and whining. As soon as you look at this week’s portion, you may have a "eureka" moment!

This week’s portion, Balak, is all about evil eye, jealousy, and envy—emotions we are exposed to, but that we should resist and protect ourselves from. The kabbalists teach us that judgment begets judgment; it’s the cosmic law of cause and effect. The minute I envy someone, I am creating a negative energy towards that person. In the end, it makes me vulnerable to the same energy.

This week’s portion tells the story of the king, Balak, an archenemy of the Israelites. He calls a very strong sorcerer, Bilaam, to curse the Israelites. In a turn of events a miracle occurs and Bilaam, instead of cursing the Israelites, blesses them.

However, a breech in the energy field of the Israelite's was created. Next week we will see how a terrible plague starts because of the negative partnership of Balak and Bilaam. Balak represents the power of the evil eye, and Bilaam the power of evil speech. Together their names spell the Hebrew word, bilbul, which means confusion.

72 Name #10 - ProtectionThis week, we need to meditate on the 72 Name of God against evil eye. More importantly, let’s slalom around people we know have the power of bilbul, confusion and negativity!

This is a week in which we want to keep spiritual company, so we are not made vulnerable to negativity and victim consciousness. A lot of work awaits us. Next week is very powerful and will give us a boost as we enter the energy of Pinchas.

Hold tight!

Have a great week everyone!

Weekly Astrology Chart
