Astrology Forecast for June 22-28, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for June 22-28, 2014

Yael Yardeni
juin 22, 2014
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Hi Everyone! I hope everybody is safe and sound after last week's adventures!

The cosmos is still very wet and in turmoil, so let's just remember that things need to be handled with care, since Mercury is still in retrograde motion (although right now in the sign of Gemini). Keep vigilant around water!

So, what's happening this week in the cosmos? The chart opens up with the moon in Aries. Surprise, surprise…many planets are also now aligned in Aries! Uranus, the infamous rebel, the south node of the moon, and the Part of Fortune all are in Aries, while the sun has already entered Cancer. So, again we end up with two extremes in the chart: fire (Aries) and water (Cancer and Pisces, mainly). We also need to take note that Uranus is almost in exact opposition to Mars. So much for peace and harmony!

Our job this week is an essential one for our spiritual growth: we need to strongly shake off our old belief systems, which are the main cause of our fears and doubts. What does that mean? The powerful energy of Aries is similar to rebooting our system, and it's very interesting that the moon is so close to the South node of the chart. Kabbalistically, the South node of the moon symbolizes previous lives and old beliefs that we still carry with us—the old me. These are really just preventing us from making the right move in our lives.

Kabbalists explain that within every one of us lies an incredible energy of new beginnings, depth, and transformation. Now, this week, we can tap into this Light in a much more powerful and focused way. Pluto sextiles Saturn and the midheaven of the chart this week, which really enables us to create a powerful shift of consciousness.

The first part of our change is very much about cleansing. We do not realize how much the energy of people around us can influence our behavior, and more importantly, our global level of energy. Jupiter is currently located in the sixth house, the house of health and work, but also the closest circle that exists around us. The lesson of Jupiter is extraordinary: the ones that help us to expand, grow, and become more sharing to others are, in fact, our real friends.

There is a beautiful story about a man in ancient times who had three wives. The first one he loved and cherished. She was always beautifully dressed and made up and he was crazy about her beauty. The second one, he also loved very much. She was less bold, but had a great spirit and made him laugh. The third one, he loved much less than the two others. Yet, she was very faithful. She always made sure that he didn’t lack anything, that he was well fed and taken care of. She was very discreet, and did not seem to require so much energy from him. He liked her, but that was it.

As the story goes, one day the man became ill and unfortunately he died. The first wife went on with her life. Almost immediately, she moved to another city and started anew. The second wife, after some grief eventually did the same. The third wife was inconsolable. She stayed near and mourned him. She also continued taking care of his businesses and his home as faithfully as she did when he was alive.

This story is a lesson for us. Often, we only notice the people around us that are bold or funny, and we rarely see the ones that really care for us. This week is the time to remove that veil. Perhaps go on a little cleanse, see less people, and be more aware of who is constantly loving and present in your life.

Rav Ashlag, a powerful kabbalist who started the Kabbalah Centre in the beginning of the 20th century, said you will become like the people you have in your life, so we are to make much wiser choices.

The second part of our transformation this week is to go on a little yoga or meditation retreat for a few days and restore your energy levels. Maybe it's also time for a little juice or vegetable cleanse. The third part is to come back refreshed in order to create a powerful reboot in our lives by letting go of energies that are no longer favorable to us.

No matter who we decide to distance ourselves from, let’s make sure we do so with human dignity and love. No need to confront, just to pursue our journey with more strength and clarity. To be continued…

Have a lovely reflective week!


