Astrology Forecast for June 23-29, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for June 23-29, 2013

Yael Yardeni
juin 24, 2013
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Hi everyone! So, here we are, in one of the most powerful weeks of the year! The week of Pinchas is one of the most important events occurring at Kabbalah Centres all around the world each year.

Why? What is so special about it?

Rav and Karen Berg have taught us many secrets about this Shabbat, particularly that it encapsulates all the energy of healing and the energy of mind over matter. How so? And most importantly, what's happening in the stars right now that can help us capture this energy? This week in the cosmos, there are still many planets in water, a triad of them are in Cancer, and a few are in Scorpio. The interesting point is that we are starting the week with a moon in Sagittarius, and the moon in opposition to Jupiter and Mars!

Last week, Venus, the planet of health, was in opposition to Pluto. This week the sun is in opposition to Pluto, which reflects a very difficult cosmic state of stress, anxiety, and heaviness. On the other hand, Chiron the healer is located in the 2nd house of the chart, which is also the house of emotions.

What's the meaning of all that?

There is an amazing secret we learn from the kabbalists—the source and seed of all issues in our lives are our thought processes. Meaning, tell me how you think and I will tell your future. Amazingly, this is illustrated by the charts of the past two weeks. When we act impulsively and rebelliously (Sagittarius moon), when we feel that the world is against us, and all is difficult (Pluto in opposition to the sun), when we listen to all the chatter of our emotions and our low self-esteem—“they love me, they love me not…” (Water energy all over the chart), this is when we are on our road to perdition, and of course, dis–ease.

We know from the Sefer Yetzirah (or Book of Formation—the first known written work of Kabbalah attributed to Abraham the patriarch some 4,000 years ago), that the source of the cancer illness has its seed level in the month of Cancer. What does that mean?

The way we process our emotions, which are the strongest this month, the way we respond and attend to them, and how well we control them will determine health or illness.

Rav Berg, our teacher, always says, “Look at the way cancerous cells act, they are no longer willing to be a part of an organ or a tissue, they rebel and start their own thing, and that rebellion will in the end lead to their death! No matter, they are still doing it!” How appropriate that this week’s portion, Pinchas, deals with a rebellion.

The story goes that Balak, (remember the evil king of last week) didn't manage to curse the Israelites. What did he do? He bewitched his daughter to seduce the leader, Moses, and bring about a spiritual falling in the whole nation. The daughter, named Cosby, mistakes another leader by the name of Zimri, as Moses. She seduces him and all hell starts breaking loose! A terrible plague begins and is stopped when a priest, Pinchas, kills the both of them.

That story is encoded with incredible secrets and awareness. The rebellion and impulsive act of Zimri led to the death of 24,000 people. The heroic act of Pinchas stops that negativity and teaches us to never associate with negative thoughts or behavior. When Cosby seduces Zimri, the entire nation starts imitating their actions.

This week, we want to truly open our eyes to our thought processes, to the way we feel about the things we see, and most importantly, to realize that many of our emotions are completely unjustified or simply not real.

This is a week to look at facts, to observe our behaviors, and stretch outside of ourselves to help and heal other people. The vaccine to all illnesses is always in sharing. The cosmos will pinpoint in others the behaviors that already exist in us. Helping another is attending to ourselves!

Get ready, my friends, for a week of many revelations and deeper understanding of our tikun. Let's make sure that this whole week we are involved in bringing Light and compassion to others, as opposed to isolating ourselves and doing it “our way.”

Let's volunteer and be part of a greater good this week to show the cosmos that we understand we are all interconnected. That’s the true vaccine against the worst illnesses!

Have a great week everyone!
