Astrology Forecast for June 8-14, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for June 8-14, 2014

Yael Yardeni
juin 8, 2014
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Hi everyone! So, here we are, in full blown Gemini. We can definitely feel a better cosmic breeze blowing! Let’s examine the state of the universe this week.

The world's chart opens up with a moon in Libra and a total of four Libra planets, which account for a lot of air. Thank God for that! Pluto, the heavy duty one, is right on the chart ascendant and can make us feel like Atlas, carrying the entire Earth on our backs!

Paradoxically, Mars (the warrior) is conjunct with the moon in peaceful Libra, and Venus (the love planet) is currently in Taurus, but placed in opposition (a hard placement) to Saturn in Scorpio. In many ways, the overall energy of this week’s chart contains a lot of contradictions and nuances. It's as if, wherever we look, we find complete opposites. So, don’t be surprised to receive quite a few contradictory messages this week. It’s like the cosmos became confused, unclear, and double—exactly like the sign of Gemini!

What are the most important lessons the universe wants us to learn?

First of all, this week the cosmos is showing us that we cannot take anything at face value. Everything needs to be checked and rechecked. Things may appear one way, and turn out to be the opposite. Many of our hasty behaviors are likely to backfire!

I am tempted to tell everyone to rewire themselves; whatever we would usually do, we should probably do the opposite! The energy is so very topsy turvy! Nothing functions normally. You've guessed it: as of today, Mercury, the communicator and ruler of Gemini, is in retrograde motion for the next three weeks! In our survival kit, we should be sure that every email and conversation is recorded and filed so misunderstandings are avoided. That’s only the first part of this week’s learning!

Let’s try to understand the second part more in depth.

Have you ever noticed that when we visit another country as a tourist, we do not pay attention to the taxes, the traffic, the bureaucracy, the injustices, and tend to only see the good? Why is this? Because we are disconnected from the facts; we see things from the outside only. We are not involved in the situation of that particular country per se. So, it is easier for us to just connect with the good parts. We are only disturbed when we put ourselves into the situation, namely we activate our own agenda. This week, we are learning to see things irrespective of whether they influence us or not, to look at things from a distance, without personal involvement. This is the only way we can assess people and situations correctly—by perceiving them without relationship to ourselves.

Let’s say, a work colleague is really pushing all our buttons. Maybe we feel we shouldn’t be working with him. We have an entire movie playing in our heads about how we are misunderstood and why this person does what they do. But, let’s say we look at this person’s performance at work, without any connection to us. Maybe this person is a real asset to the company. Maybe the job they do is really fantastic. Kabbalists express that the source of our biggest suffering is, in fact, our own agenda!

This week, we are learning how to see and perceive situations a lot more fairly, in a more detached, and therefore, accurate fashion. Really check a situation in depth, without being in the middle of it. We always have a choice—to either go with our agenda and perception, or to be more like a tourist who looks at things from outside and more deeply appreciates what is happening around him. This is the reason that the cosmos delivered a great amount of Libra to us, so we will be able to see both sides: our side and the real side of things!

Guys, that’s quite a lot of work for this week! Let’s do our best, be more like a tourist in our own lives, and consequently gain so much more appreciation and joy!

Have a fantastic week everyone!


