Astrology Forecast for March 2-8, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for March 2-8, 2014

Yael Yardeni
mars 2, 2014
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Hi Everyone! So, here we go! We are now in full-blown Pisces, part two (it's our second round of fishiness), and everyone is starting to feel like Captain Nemo in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

What is the current state of affairs? Picture this: four planets are in Pisces, and Jupiter and Saturn are still respectively in Cancer and Scorpio, making a total of six water aspects. We are back to the big floods and tissues!

The savior of this week is the air of Mars (in direct motion in Libra) and Mercury (now direct in Aquarius.) Phew! Thank God, we now have some oxygen in our water tank.

An important point to watch out for this week is the perfect T-square between Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter. T-squares are more infamous than famous. We should meditate on it in the next few days, since it usually creates many world tensions, misunderstandings and global unbalance. Thanks to the spiritual teachings of Kabbalah in particular, we now understand that human activity and behavior are the real trigger to positive or negative consequences. So, it’s a great week to meditate on injecting peace wherever we are!

Let's examine our personal weekly plan now…

First of all, due to the strong existing Piscean energy and the positioning of Neptune (the co-ruler of Pisces) practically on top of the Sun this week, we should take care to remain very clear and focused on everything we want to achieve for now, as well as our future global goals. Neptune has a tendency to lead people into a blurry, dreamy, peace and love mode, which can create a lot of complications indeed.

So everybody: out of the water tank ASAP!

Kabbalah teaches us that when things are left unclear or foggy, that is exactly when chaos is created everywhere in our lives! Remember the saying, “The devil is in the details?” Well, this is the week to get a handle on it! Let's say we are in a problematic partnership, and we are not sure if we should continue it or not. What to do? Guys, all the cards need to be on the table right now! Talk it out, confront the situation, make a decision, and move on. No time should be wasted, no more “to be or not to be” or “maybe yes, maybe no.”

Along the same line of thought, we should also make sure no loose ends are left behind. We need to finish everything we have started first, and only then move on to the next thing. Also, beware of signing contracts. It’s actually a great idea to review all legal materials this week, triple check everything, and make sure that all our T's are crossed.

That’s the easy part!

A much deeper work is required from us this week. We need to clarify things within ourselves. There are things about our lives and our karma that keep nagging us; there are decisions that need to be made and are difficult for us. This is the week to let go or even re-glue if necessary. Uranus is positioned in the 7th house in this week’s chart. What does not work needs to be cut out!

In regards to our spiritual work, we need a thorough wake up call. So, it's very important to listen to the messages we get this week, especially the recurring ones from our close surroundings. The cosmos clearly wants us to grow (Jupiter is at the apex of the chart this week) and we cannot achieve the greatness we are meant to have by being vague, neutral, or grey.

For many of us the black and white state required by the cosmos is really hard. But it surely does not mean we should be edgy and cactus-like to others. To the contrary! Our biggest work and greatest effort this week is internal.

The cosmos is simply showing us we are about to make a big jump, and we have to be prepared for it. So fears are no longer on the menu!

Ready guys? 3…2…1…GO! And don’t look back!

A fantastic week to everyone!


