Astrology Forecast for March 30 - April 5, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for March 30 - April 5, 2014

Yael Yardeni
mars 30, 2014
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Hi Everyone! So here we are, in the last segment of a very, very loooong month of Pisces! Guys, for the record, we have just spent 59 days in Pisces. I am sure we are all feeling amphibian-like right now. Or we've become amazing swimmers. That’s a given!

A few more days are left, but on Monday night, March 31st, we will be entering the very different and very colorful energy of fiery Aries. Interestingly, kabbalists consider the new moon of Aries to be the head of the year, meaning that a new astrological year is starting.

We need to remember a few very important things:

First of all, the first 12 days of the month have a very strong significance—each rules a particular month of the year. Needless to say, it means we have to be on our very best behavior for each of these days, otherwise a whole month of the year will be spoiled! The first day rules the month of Aries, the second rules Taurus, the third rules Gemini, and so forth. There is a very simple survival kit for the 12 days: be nice, don't be stubborn, and walk away from every conflict smiling! And that’s valid advice until Sunday, April 13th.

Second, as we have discussed in a prior blog, we are expecting some difficulties for the month of April. The marathon starts right now!

My God, there's no peace in this universe! So, what to do?

A very important point arises this week in our spiritual growth. Planet Mars, the ruler of Aries and the red planet of wars, is exactly at the ascendant of the chart. Talk about a peaceful month!

We need to hold our horses and learn how to become a lot lighter and happier about our surroundings. This week, we will undoubtedly notice how judgmental we are toward ourselves, and of course toward others. It's as if planet Mars was sitting on our head, and whispering, “Look, this guy has no clue, the other does not understand a thing, what a stupid mistake...” and on and on! Judgments of all kind need to be frozen and controlled this week. Let's just look the other way for now.

Since we still have a few days of Pisces left, we need to ask some very important questions: What is real humility? How can I be more modest? And how can I be kinder to others?

The kabbalists teach that humility is about tolerance and acceptance. The elephant has to understand that a mouse can be very helpful indeed!

There is a very famous story about King David, an important figure in the study of Kabbalah. As the story goes, King David complained to the Creator about the spiders, saying they have no job besides stinging us and dirtying our surroundings with their nets! He asked, “God, why on earth have you created such useless beings?”

One day, King Saul (the predecessor of King David, who had developed a real hatred against him, having found out he was to be dethroned, and the kingdom would be given to David) sent armies and spies to find David and kill him. Surprised, David ran nonstop while Saul's soldiers chased after him. Eventually, David found a small cave in the mountains of Jerusalem where he could hide. As soon as he entered the cave, a spider started creating a web to protect the entrance. When King Saul’s soldiers passed the entrance, one told the other, “No need to go there. Look, the spider web is intact; he can't be hiding there!” And so a spider saved King David's life!

The very simple lesson here is that everything and everyone in the cosmos has a very important job. We are here to help each other grow, even when we really don't want to!

Let's use new lenses of understanding and be more accepting of others, even spiders! And remember, best behavior is required for the first 12 days of Aries!

Happy astrological New Year, everyone!


