Astrology Forecast for March 9-15, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for March 9-15, 2014

Yael Yardeni
mars 9, 2014
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Hi Everyone! How has everybody been surviving these past few weeks? We are definitely still in a yellow submarine since seven planets are in air and seven are in water. Oh my! And we are only in the beginning of the second month of Pisces! But cheer up, guys. After all, Mercury is no longer in retrograde!

Actually, we are in for some amazing teachings this week. Believe it or not, the cosmic energies of water and air will open up some new frequencies in our brains. How? Well, let's examine some facts…

First of all, in kabbalistic astrology the element of water is always associated with the right brain, because it allows us to tap into the realm of intuition, prayers, meditations, etc. Yet, the element of air is associated with the other side of our brain since it is connected to the rational, down to earth realm of life.

One side (the right) is sensitive and subjective, while the other one (the left) is logical, practical, and objective. Usually, these two sides are not equal in an individual; one side will be more dominant than the other. Some people are very intuitive, but are not very practical. Others are extremely down to earth, but not really intuitive.

Kabbalists teach us an amazing lesson about this. They explain that humankind is indeed divided in two very different groups: The logical searchers, the left brainers,are the Cartesians among us (intellectuals following the philosophical doctrine of Rene Descartes). And right-brainers are the people of simple faith. The left-brainers seek answers all the time, but in the end they tend to get confused with the results of their search. Meanwhile the right -brainers will often be satisfied with very few answers, since it’s faiththat carries them along. The bottom line: at some point both of them are going find themselves lost in translation, because one important part is missing in their perception and vision of things.

So, the first gift of this week is to do some research and then identify what category we belong to. Having done that, what we really need is to start activating the weakest part of our brain and retrain it. How?

Very simply, if we belong to the left-brain group, the Cartesians, this is the week when we need to feel more and recognize signs in our life. As Rav Berg used to teach, see coincidences—meaning, recognize incidents that are related. Altogether, the left-brainers should talk a lot about how they feel this week. And no more excuses! For the right-brained among us, the mission this week is to take things with a lot less sensitivity or “drama.” Rather, make things more logical and factual. This is the time to explain what you think, and not what you feel, so facts will be very welcome!

I won't lie—this is a real stretch for everyone, but a necessary one if we want to balance our brains and energies better!

The behaviors of left- and right-brainers usually come with side effects. For example, right-brained people tend to be more emotionally dependent, but they usually show more warmth and love. The left-brainers tend to act a bit colder in their approach to people and project a somewhat more detached and controlling attitude. Bottom line guys, this week we are completely out of our comfort zone!

The moon in Gemini gives us our second gift of this week. A Gemini Moon is a real push to take things in a lighter fashion, and with a lot more sharpness and humor! This week, let's use this gift in our clumsy attempts to straighten up our brains. We will need it, no doubt!

Have a wonderful, balanced week everyone!


