Astrology Forecast for May 11-17, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for May 11-17, 2014

Yael Yardeni
mai 11, 2014
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Hi Everyone! Let’s discover our new plan of attack for this week!

The week opens up with a moon located at the seed level of Libra (it’s literally zero degrees in Libra). Plenty of fire is present in the universe as we speak. Picture this: six planets and aspects are in fire signs right now! More fire will induce more happiness in our lives, and the overall energy will be a lot lighter than the heavy, earthy Taurus we've had for the past two weeks. Thank God!

Very important lessons are available to us this time around, especially when we look at the week’s house of communication (the third one in the astro wheel). The third house of the world’s chart contains two very distinct celestial bodies and energies: Neptune (the planet of inspiration and illusions) and Chiron (the healer). Both are located in watery Pisces while Mercury, the third house ruler, is already at the beginning of Gemini.

Here, we face a contradiction. Pisces says, be quiet, observe, FEEL your community more, and take the time to inspire people. On the other hand, Mercury in Gemini, doesn’t have time nor patience for all this nonsense! It moves fast and puts an end to any shenanigans. This duality actually reveals a very important lesson we need to take to heart this week.

Kabbalists say, “Life and death depend on our tongue.”

That’s a really bold statement. What does it mean?

A kabbalist that lived about 150 years ago, by the name of the Chofetz Chaim, wrote an entire book about how to use our tongue and speech. Truth be told, when we read this book, we really want to stay silent like a fish forever! There is no way we can truly measure the impact of our words and speech. Plus, most of us speak WAY too much! We often speak when we should stay silent, and stay silent when we need to speak.

This week raises a few very essential questions. First, how do our words impact others? Do we inspire them? Do we intimidate them? Are we helping or making things more difficult for others? Are we understood? Or do our words puzzle everyone? Do people interpret what we tell them at face value, or do they hear something completely different than what we've said?

Here is a very important assignment for all of us this week: Seek out two friends and ask their honest opinion about your speech. Gosh that sounds hard! Hearing what people really think about the way we communicate will certainly create more humility in our hearts!

Interestingly, the story of Moses is an incredible inspiration. It says that Moses had a stutter. In the famous episode of the burning bush, God sends Moses to speak to Pharaoh. This is the equivalent of the government selecting some simple, nice guy that has a stutter to negotiate with Kim Jong-un! Does it make sense? Not really, right? So, why was Moses selected? Because of his kindness and humility. Because everything he said had weight even if he was a lot less charismatic than his brother, Aaron.

The second opportunity to obtain healing this week is via our speech (related to Chiron). All of us have created upheavals in the past with certain things we have said, or certain misunderstandings we have created. Guys, this week is THE week to set things right! We are cosmically very supported by all the fire energy in the universe.

Our mission is to clarify our words with others, dissipate misunderstandings, and (when applicable) just say sorry. And let’s simply decide to forgive negative words that have been said to us in the past. Our words need to heal ourselves and others this week. That’s the reason the Talmud refers to human beings as “the animals that can speak.” Every animal can communicate, but we are the only ones on this planet that were given the power to speak.

Let me issue a warning: the work of this week is really, really uncomfortable! But much peace will come with it, so it’s completely worth the effort. The moon in Libra as a week starter is all about internal peace!

Let’s make it happen together!

Have an amazing, healing week everyone!


