Astrology Forecast for May 18-24, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for May 18-24, 2014

Yael Yardeni
mai 18, 2014
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Hi everyone! Great news! We have just entered a very important and beautiful time!

Saturday night through to Sunday, May 18th is a cosmic event called Lag Ba'Omer, which is a wonderful highlight in the difficult Omer period. Many amazing things took place on that particular day, all related to events above the normal stream of things.

A great sage by the name of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai passed away on that very day, leaving behind him a tremendous Light, the book of Zohar, upon which much of kabbalistic wisdom is based.

Our first step this week is to become really inspired by the energy and love that we all are capable of sharing. In this week's chart, the sun, which represents the self, is located in the astrological house of inspiration, love, and creativity. The chart is charged with much creative and peaceful Libra energy.

This week it is essential to reflect simply and deeply on the Light and love we all have within us, as well as the energy trail that we leave behind us. Ask yourself, if I leave the world tomorrow, how would I be remembered? What Light would I leave behind? Please be sure to do this exercise without melancholy! There is so much energy available right now. The goal is to get a good boost, not end up in total despair! This is an amazing time to more clearly perceive our unique gifts, many of which are still unknown to us.

A second very important event that occurred at this time is the construction of the Great Temple of King Solomon, which is said to have started right in the month of Taurus. As the story goes, the architecture of the Temple was so impressive, that many civilizations imitated it.

The Temple served a single purpose: to draw enough spiritual energy to create peace between the nations of the world. Indeed, during the 40-year reign of King Solomon no nation in the world went to war against another, because so much love and Light were revealed. Battles or disputes became redundant and unnecessary, so all unfolded harmoniously.

Interestingly, the month of Taurus is traditionally called Chodesh Ziv, the month of beauty, Light, and wonder. The energy of Taurus is extremely connected to all aspects of positive materialism. We know that a Taurus loves a good life—designer clothes, fancy restaurants, and more. That is because they are spiritually under the ruling of planet Venus, which controls all the pleasures of the mundane world. Venus is also the planet of love, and currently located in the fiery Aries. We need to direct all this love towards others, as well. Remember, kabbalistically humankind WAS created to receive all beneficence from the Light.

The current week contains many more gifts!

As we all know, Taureans have an excellent knack for dealing with property, buildings, and real estate. (For the record, they make brilliant leaders as long as they don't turn into dictators!) This week, we should be looking for new investments, maybe acquiring properties, lands, places that we can build on. This is a great week to start these processes, but not a good one for final signatures. (The only exception is the day of Lag Ba'Omer.)

If something is in the making and it's excellent, we should push. But Saturn would have us check the details REALLY closely. Don't be afraid to ask for many “second opinions.” Finalizations and contract signing should be postponed until after May 30th.

In short, we should find our unique gifts, dream big, love more, and look for great opportunities and partnerships whenever possible. For those of us in trials and justice complications, it’s better to settle than to fight this week. We are better off connecting with peace, not war!

Phew! So many opportunities to seize! Wishing you all a very special and happy holiday!


