Astrology Forecast for May 4-10, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for May 4-10, 2014

Yael Yardeni
mai 4, 2014
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Hi Everyone! I hope the new month of Taurus is treating you well! Let’s find out what's happening in the cosmos this week…

Two main energies are dominant in the universe: Taurus of course, but surprisingly, Cancer energy is also present with an astrological signature of Cancer. Another very important point is that Saturn is in opposition to the sun in Taurus, which creates a very heavy and slow energy. So, don't be surprised if you feel you are swimming in chewing gum this week! It all feels a bit gluey. Taurus, Cancer, and a rising in Sagittarius speak about home, traditions, and basics. This week's plan is, indeed, to go back to the basics.

As we explained in earlier posts, there are 49 days available to us to build a new vessel or desire. The skeleton or backbone of that desire is created this week.

A few questions are raised. First, what are we willing to compromise and what are we not? Compromises are always a pain in the butt since, at the end of the day, no one is happy about them. Oftentimes, for the sake of peace (or that's what we convince ourselves anyway) we choose to set aside principles, feelings, or instincts, knowing internally that it's probably a VERY bad idea. This week is a great time to separate the compromises that will not affect our destiny from the ones that will.

For instance, if we feel like dining in an Italian restaurant tonight, but our friends insist on a steak house that could be a positive compromise! If it makes them happy, have pasta tomorrow instead. That’s a great decision; it won't change our world and it won't have negative consequences. To the contrary, we'll enjoy our pasta even more tomorrow!

Now, let's assume we are choosing a career path. Friends and family may be on a campaign for us to become an accountant because it's safe, comes with a good paycheck, etc. But we hate paper work and numbers! So, what to do? This kind of choice will alter our lives forever. The answer is clear: follow the beat of your own drum! Our souls may be guiding us in a completely different direction. This week, it’s a great idea to reflect on our true desires, instead of the desires of others and put everything in the right order.

There is a beautiful Chinese parable to illustrate this week's energy:

A master approaches his student with an empty bucket, a bag of small stones, a bag of gravel, a bag of sand, a bag of big stones, and an additional bucket full of water. He tells his student, “Your mission is to place all these items in the first empty bucket, and it should all fit in!”

The student is aghast, thinking there is no possible way it can all fit! So, he tries different combinations. First, water, then gravel, then big stones—all the water is emptied. Then maybe gravel, then big stones—but no place for the sand, etc. Really, nothing works out.

After many hours and feeling out of options, the student comes back and surrenders to his teacher, “Master, I don't think it'll all ever fit in one bucket!”

The Master smiles and says, “Try this: big stones, small ones, then gravel, then sand then water. Does it all fit in now?”

And so it goes with our lives! The big stones represent our true spiritual mission in this world. The small stones are our actions to get there. The gravel is our entourage—the people we love and care for. The sand is our small daily actions. Lastly, the water represents everything that can change and fluctuate—all the not-so-important things in our lives.

This week, we have an opportunity to place our life in order, to really create spiritual priorities. Once we’ve done that, it'll become suddenly very clear what we can or cannot compromise. On a practical level, let's just draw a list of three or four very strong priorities or beliefs. These will constitute our big stones. We will slowly create the rest of the list later on.

The second gift of this week is about building a real home. It is said that King Solomon started building the Great Temple in the month of Taurus. This is definitely the week to start building ours! Simply spend time and energy to decorate your house and make it a “home.” Maybe even create a meditation corner. In short, really invest in your sanctuary so you can have all the energy necessary to recharge and reach your goals.

There’s lots of great work to be accomplished this week! Take your time and make it happen.

Have a fantastic week!


