Astrology Forecast for November 10-16, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for November 10-16, 2013

Yael Yardeni
novembre 10, 2013
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Hi everyone! I hope you all took advantage of last week's amazing new moon event!

As we proceed further into the month of Sagittarius, many opportunities open up to us. This week is definitely one of the big ones. Let's find out what's happening in the cosmos this week:

First, Mercury is still in retrograde motion and will stay in inquisitive Scorpio until December 4th. Mercury in Scorpio is the anti-denial pill! There is no way we can lie to ourselves or choose not to see issues with this position of Mercury, especially since it is retrograde.

We might be in for a bit of an awakening as to how people perceive us. Let's all remember an important fact: Sagittarius energy is not the most tactful of the zodiac. So, this month we can expect people around us to have a perpetual foot in their mouth!

We need to take a deep breath and try connecting with the intentions of others, rather than the way they have expressed their thoughts. So if someone tells you “Oh my gosh, what a nice dress! Shame you've gained so much weight.” Translate it immediately to, “Wow, I've just got a compliment on my good taste! And maybe the cosmos is suggesting that I have healthier eating habits…”

Second, this week’s chart opens up at exactly zero degrees in Gemini and the moon is at the beginning of Aquarius. Both are air signs and they are leading us to a very important message this week regarding how we communicate, and more specifically, how to confront others.

Let me start by saying that NO ONE beside the wise kabbalists knows how to confront proactively. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of understanding! Some of us confront like bullies, kicking and screaming. Some play like a fish in the deep ocean and choose to run away. Some stay passive aggressive, hoping things will go away by themselves. And some of us go straight to!

Conclusion: ALL of us are agonizing over confrontations, one way or another! None of these behaviors looks like a good plan! No matter what group we belong to, here is our proactive kabbalistic kit for confrontations.

Are you ready for this?

Rule #1: Check your facts! Simple enough, right? Not really. Sometimes we reach conclusions out of a feeling or an impression.

Rule #2: NO judgment! The best way to confront is actually through a question. So it will sound like: "Ok John, look, this and this has occurred. Can you walk me through your decision making process? Tell me what happened."

Rule #3: NEVER ever confront a person in public! It should be done over a cup of tea in your office or at the local coffee shop. Kabbalistically, the worst karma is created when we humiliate someone in public. Kabbalists teach us that it is equivalent to drawing a person's blood! (Think about their reaction--they will become all pale or all red.)

By the way, the same goes for children. We can scold them a bit, but never in public!

Rule #4: Use the word, “WE” to find a solution. It will sound like, "Ok, I understand. What are we going to do to make it better?" Sometimes, the outcome is that the person facing you is not a match for the job or the task. If that’s the case, then we should simply tell them.

Does that sound hard to do? Not at all!

Yes, I know we are all going to find ourselves with sweaty palms and a sensation of profound discomfort at first, but as the kabbalists teach us, we have a choice between lack of comfort and chaos. We all know that failing to confront at the right time will lead us to total chaos!

This week is an unbelievable opportunity to completely transform our confrontation skills. So let us train! The cosmos is supporting all our efforts.

Remember the saying: "the truth will set you free!"

Have an amazing week of freedom!


