Astrology Forecast for November 17-23, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for November 17-23, 2013

Yael Yardeni
novembre 17, 2013
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Hi everyone! Hope you guys have implemented all the golden rules of confrontation the cosmos had in store for us last week. This week we are in for another crusade!

You'll tell me, “No way! You have us on a neverending spiritual treadmill!” What’s going on? When is the cosmos finally going on vacation? Well, my friends, here you go…

Our mission impossible for this week? You guessed it—tackling our comfort zone! Those of you that are still my friends up until today are totally going to drop out! No matter. We are here to live great lives and one day exit the world a million times better than when we first came here.

What’s happening in the cosmos this week?

The cosmic chart opens up with a moon in Taurus, while Venus and Pluto are cunjunct in heavy Capricorn. Mars has been in Virgo for a while and will remain there until the month of December.

All three signs are earth signs, which will add to the very watery Scorpio, a much more heavy energy. So don't be surprised if you feel like you’re moving in slow motion or weigh much more than you do normally. The cosmic energies have us carrying bricks!

Why? What’s the lesson here?

My teacher, Rav Berg, said that the most faithful cosmic servants are the planets. They always do their jobs; no planet ever goes on strike and decides to stop revolving around the Sun!

These marvellous celestial bodies are carrying amazing messages. This week, it's all about understanding how often we look for the path of least resistance—we try to just maintain things in our lives. How many of us say, “I am in a good place right now, I worked hard… I don’t want to change anymore?” Oh boy, this is the perfect recipe for disaster.

Why? What’s wrong with being in a good place?

Two things: first, the good is always the enemy of the great. Second, what is the difference between a live cockroach and a dead one? The live one MOVES, it tries to get back on its feet! The dead one stopped moving a while ago.


The secret of being truly alive is to be in forward motion. That feeling is really great. Think about it, when are we at our happiest? When we create, when we have a vision of where we want to be, when we are moving! Life is a journey, the destination is to reveal as much Light as we can along the way.

Now, let’s talk about this comfort zone of ours. For us, comfort is synonymous with security. Some of us grew up in very difficult environments. And the first thing we did was strive to get out of these places. The problem is that we get pulled back there along the way. Why? We swore we would never go back there again! Since it is a known environement, our brain still registers it as SECURE, because we already know how to handle it.

Oh dear, we need to urgently rewire our brains. Here's how…

1. Get yourself to move faster. Dare to do things you really don't want to do right now.

2. Dream big and get inspired! Imagine what could be and start working on it!

This particular energy always reappears in the month of Sagittarius, the month of Miracle making. So my advice for this week: buy a box a vitamins, and let’s use the amazing cosmic power to defy all odds!

Have a great, bright week everyone!


