Astrology Forecast for October 6-12, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for October 6-12, 2013

Yael Yardeni
octobre 7, 2013
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Hi everyone! We have another great opportunity for spiritual work this week! Let’s gaze at the world’s chart for more secrets. What do we notice?

First, there is less water (just a bit less), but it's enough to re-balance the cosmos. Last week was a real flood! This week will start with the moon in Libra, which is a great balancing act with the Sun still in Libra. Both rising signs and the path of fortune are in Taurus, which renders the world’s chart very Venusian indeed!

Venus? Did we say Venus? Yes, you got it my friends, this is a favorable time for love! But not just any love or romance, what we are talking about here is the durable, bulletproof, reusable kind.

Some of you will frown and ask, Is there such a thing?

Well, kabbalistically there is. The cosmos is incredible. As it happens, this week’s portion is called Lech Lecha and contains within its teachings, all the secrets for finding a soul mate.

So, how do we get ourselves aligned with this cosmic energy?

First of all, we need to break some myths and alter some of our belief systems. Oftentimes our significant other half is literally inches away from us, but we cannot see them because we are locked up in our very narrow views and mindset.

Here are my recommendations:

1. Bring your thoughts and consciousness to a place where you believe, "I have a lot of love to share, I am ready for this!"

2. Don't say, "Oh, no way! I'm not dating this one." Yes, you are! We have to be open to the Light, which means sometimes we need to kiss a couple of frogs first!

3. Go on a date with an open heart and LISTEN! We usually talk people to death during our dates. It’s incredible how much we can learn about a person by staying SILENT and observing. See how they treat their surroundings and you'll learn a lot about them.

4. Don't try fitting your expectations into what you see in front of you. Put on a new pair of glasses.

That’s it! This is how we, kabbalists, date. Not rocket science, is it?

For those of us who are already in a relationship, this is a great week to renew and honor your soul connections. Learn something together and act together with the world. Our teacher, Karen Berg, always says, "True love is not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction." This is the perfect week for renewing our vows and inspiring others to do so, too. If you know two friends that are compatible, well, send them on a blind date together! We must always give back to the cosmic bank account of love.

And now for those of us that are already in a relationship, but a grumpy and challenging one (yes, it happens), why not go on a date together this week as if it were the first time? Let's try discovering each other again. Just play the game, sit and talk as if it were the first time you ever saw each other. Relive the moment when you felt, Wow, this one is for me. If you never felt that way before, this week, maybe you will! In short, reboot your computer, go in with the recommendations above, and rediscover who you live with.

We are getting the support of Jupiter's great position in the chart this week, which will influence our communication positively. Words will become smoother with this aspect. So chances are, if there are things that were not said before, this time we will be heard!

Finally, the last lesson for this week is about SHARING. It's fairly simple to do on a day-to-day basis. It’s sometimes easier to apply to strangers and it always seems so difficult to activate in love relationships, especially after the famous "honeymoon" period.

So, is there a magic formula to apply for that?

Well, kabbalists teach us that everything we want to receive, we need to share first. Think about everything you want, and share the same amount.

To be continued...


