Astrology Forecast for September 22-28, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for September 22-28, 2013

Yael Yardeni
septembre 23, 2013
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Hi everyone, Phewww! We are done with the cosmic marathon of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot... for now! As the year starts, we want to continue surfing the cosmos, in search of new meanings and new ways of improving our lives. This week, the energy of Genesis (called Beresheet in ancient Hebrew) enters the universe.

Most of us have heard about the famous biblical story of Adam and Eve, the tree and the snake, and oops! the big mistake. Without the wisdom and Light of the kabbalists, there is no way to truly make sense of that story. Much ink has been spilled explaining this biblical disaster. Truth be told, when we look a bit closer, we find that this story is actually the story of our lives. We are geniuses at sabotaging ourselves at the moment of success. It's as if blessings are some kind of curse to run away from!

Let's try to better understand this lesson. Since Venus deeply entered the sign of Scorpio last week, we are a lot more perceptive, sharp, and we can now handle the truth a lot better. First, the kabbalists pinpoint a very important secret: what is not earned is impossible to keep.

What does that mean, and how does this connect to the whole story?

Adam and Eve were given an instruction manual and allowed to freely use the Garden of Eden with its marvelous trees and fruits… with the exception of ONE tree. So far so good, right? Not really. The one tree off limits was the only tree they (WE) were interested in.

Let's take a closer look at this week's chart to gain a better understanding. A very strong Scorpio (Venus, Saturn, North node) energy and Aries (The Moon and Uranus) energy prevails. Both signs are ruled by planet Mars.

What is the nature of Mars' influence? Wars, confrontation, restlessness, desire to control and conquer, and of course, lack of self-control! There you go—the biggest blooper in human history is that we are so preoccupied with things we cannot have, that we forget the blessings we already have. This is a typical Aries/Scorpio behavior.

No offense guys! In the kabbalistic system, we laugh at and roast all the signs because we do not want to be a prisoner of their influence.

So what's the connection with the famous forbidden fruit?

This is the only fruit Adam and Eve(who represent all the souls of humankind in Kabbalah) needed to earn. Otherwise, why create a tree filled with fruits that cannot be eaten? They were both supposed to eat from it, but onlyafter having earned it by simply waiting a bit longer for the fruit to become available to them.

This has a lot to do with a current trend in our world today: the “now” generation. We want everything not only ASAP, but yesterday, if possible. Technology enables us to travel in seconds to different places in the world via Skype, email, etc. Everything is so quickly available that we forget to appreciate what we have, since we are already on to the next thing, and then the next.

Our teacher Karen Berg wisely says, “We are called human BEINGS, not human DOINGS.” We forget that all the time. We forget to stop and think; we are always thirsty, restless, and on to the next thing.

My kids had me watch the movie, "The Bling Ring," last week. It’s based on a true story about a bunch of nice kids that just wanted to get a taste of the expensive and the beautiful, which leads them to start stealing from celebrities. This story reflects exactly what we just talked about: Let's get what we cannot earn as soon as possible, and in all kinds of creative ways!

That’s definitely un-kabbalistic.

This week, we want to get back to basics; get back to the beginning. The more energy we put into earning what we want, the happier we will be.

Our homework is, for the next few days at least, to wake up with only one thought in mind, one thing, one blessing: I am grateful for what I have in my life!

Have an amazing week of new beginnings and a brand new reality of Light and eternal blessings!


