Astrology Forecast for September 29 - October 5, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for September 29 - October 5, 2013

Yael Yardeni
septembre 29, 2013
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Raining Cats and Dogs

Hi everyone! This week, my friends, the cosmos is flooded with seven water planets. No wonder Noah had to build an ark!

OMG, it's been a while since we had that much water in the cosmos! Picture this: three Scorpio planets, two Pisces planets, and thank God for His blessings, Jupiter in Cancer along with two other planets.

Here is the only choice we have: grab your tissues and umbrellas!

On a more serious note, three planets in Scorpio and a T-square of Uranus-Sun-Pluto bring about a very edgy energy in the cosmos. This week, expect to bump into very grumpy people and to feel a bit of a "Don Quixote" syndrome, as if we are trying to wage a war against the windmills!

Our basic survival kit: stay cool, do not confront others or argue. It’s better to place ourselves in a position of the observer, because my friends, we are likely to witness the best and worst of human behavior this week.

We'll begin with how to handle the worst and we'll end with the most amazing gift this week has in store for us.

The infamous T-square, Uranus, is in opposition to the Sun and they both square Pluto, who has a lot to do with control. But unfortunately, it is also associated with violence. Therefore, it is best to not engage in conflicts this week. To the contrary, when witnessing an argument, try to become mediators (the Moon is in Cancer and will facilitate this) and by all means, peace makers. Just remember that there are always two sides to a coin. It is best to not take any side and be an example of wisdom.

The most worrisome part of this T-square transit is that it's affecting the entire planet. If a nation wants to turn against another nation, this is unfortunately the best cosmic time to do so. Our meditations should be oriented towards the world’s leaders; may they choose peace and not war.

One of the most proactive actions we can undertake right now is to send strong energy for canceling negative decrees and conflicts, particularly in the most volatile places in the world. We also need to consider the possibility of environmental challenges this week since Uranus controls the oceans. So please add meditations to calm Mother Earth.

Obviously, we all noticed that the great flood happened in this week’s portion, Noach. The ark is a cosmic code for spiritual protection, which is where our meditations are heading.

As the kabbalists have taught us, humankind has the power to control everything. Believe it or not, humans hold responsibilities towards every other kingdom: animal, vegetable, mineral, and even the kingdom of angels!

It is our spiritual job to supply energy and care to the rest of the universe. Guys, I have got to tell you, it sure doesn’t look like we are doing a very good job. So far, we've been great at using, abusing, and trashing everything around us.

It is said in Kabbalah that the first man, Adam, was created with atoms from all the different kingdoms, so he would have more affinities and compassion for them, and would feel that they are a part of him. This is the perfect week to reflect on that and lend a hand to better our environment. Each of us should look in our own community and see how we can help our surroundings become cleaner, nicer, and safer. It's about time to make the cosmos feel that we are giving it the respect it deserves!

The amazing gift of this week, as promised, is the New Moon of Scorpio, which is considered THE most powerful day of the year. It starts Friday night, and will last two days—until Saturday night. So please, let's make every possible effort to connect with this incredible energy, which will help us cancel any possible "floods" in our lives, whether it’s a personal meltdown, a world conflict, or an environmental challenge.

See your local Kabbalah Centre or stream Kabbalah University online for the New Moon of Scorpio (Rosh Chodesh) connection.

Our beloved late teacher, Rav Berg, always stressed the importance of self-control in personal behavior. It’s the butterfly effect: everything we do affects the entire world.

Have a wonderful protected week,


