Astrology Forecast for September 7-13, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for September 7-13, 2014

Yael Yardeni
septembre 7, 2014
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Hi everyone! Let’s find out our new mission for this week, before D-Day, our coming up cosmic New Year!!

First of all, some positive news: the cosmos is way more balanced this week than it has been for a long time! All four elements (fire, earth, air and water) are present evenly, the Moon is in the sign of free Aquarius, and Mercury is already in calm Libra. There is also a majority of planets in fixed signs, so we don’t feel we are being bounced in all directions! It hasn’t been that way in a while… so far, so good.

Let us ask: what homework is the universe expecting us to do when it seems more at peace? Go on a holiday to the Bahamas? On a cruise to Scandinavia? On a retreat in Arizona??

Kabbalists will strongly disagree with that! In fact, a great lesson lies here, right now.

Our life, often times, resembles a storm. Things happen, events are thrown at us from the cosmos all the time, and the biggest challenge we always face is the one of certainty and peace. Why certainty? Because when all is not going our way, we start doubting that there actually IS a meaning to everything, that order exists in the universe, and that things are not happening TO us but FOR us.

One of the deepest moments in our spiritual work to prepare our vessels for Rosh Hashanah is right here and right now. Why?

I think we can compare this moment to a time just prior to a hurricane; our friends in Florida know it all very well. It seems nature becomes still and suspended, the animals and the birds stop chatting, all is silent for a while in preparation for what is coming.

This is a week of deep reflection. This is a moment to re-center ourselves and start reviewing events from the past year. Things that happened, and, at the time, we didn’t really understand their true meaning.

This is the moment to look for ORDER. This time zone always appears during the month of Virgo, because it’s when the “virgin”, the absolute purity, the absolute truth is ready to be revealed.

In a way I am asking ourselves to switch places. To take a look at our lives during the past year like a movie that’s playing in front of our eyes, while at the same time, remaining emotionally detached from our emotions and the end results.

We should this week, every day, for just a few moments stop, close our eyes, focus and meditate on our past movie. Reexamine it by episodes, calmly, openly.

What do we see now? How do we audit ourselves? What could we have done, and will do in the future, in a better way? More importantly, where was the Light? Where was the hidden order in all that occurred in the past year? During all our ups and all our downs.

If we don’t stop and think this week, we are likely to miss one of our biggest yearly opportunities for growth. In fact, the cosmos always works beautifully:

At the very birth of this new week, we witness a T -square between 3 planets: MOON- SATURN- JUPITER.

The Moon is to enter our inner world, Saturn is to analyze in depth past events and create order and files, Jupiter is to learn the lesson and GROW.

We are learning this week, that even in what appears to be chaos there is an order.

Obviously, this is wayyyy out of our comfort zone if we realize that mistakes were made!

The second opportunity we are given is to understand another big kabbalistic secret: there is NO such thing as mistakes!

The word mistake, or error, does not belong in a Kabbalah Dictionary. We instead, need to replace it by the word lesson, or by the word process.

We know one thing for sure, the strength and inspiration that the universe downloads to us this week is invaluable!

Let’s just keep our hearts and souls open for the true inspiration and understanding from Above!

Wishing every one of you guys a great week! We can do this!


