Astrology Forecast for September 8-14, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for September 8-14, 2013

Yael Yardeni
septembre 8, 2013
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Dear friends, first of all, I want to wish all of you a very, very happy Cosmic New Year!

We've been in a marathon (and sometimes even a Laundromat) for the past month! So you may ask, what's special about this week? Are we done with the Olympic games of spirituality yet?

Not quite yet. This week we have an incredible opportunity to reconnect with the Light within and cosmic Light all at once. Remember when we mentioned that in the cosmic New Year, we were recharging our batteries? Well, that happened.

The new cosmic window of Yom Kippur occurs this week. Imagine that on Rosh Hashanah, you realize you need gas in your car. On Yom Kippur, you actually drive to the gas station and fill up your tank! So that day is really the most important because we will be receiving our spiritual Light and fuel for the entire year.

The day begins on September 13th at dusk and ends the next day at sunset. Wherever you are, you can connect with this energy via a local Kabbalah Centre, or simply by watching services streamed on LEARN.KABBALAH.COM. If you live on the moon or beyond, you can also connect through simple, quiet meditation!

Let's find out what the secrets of the world's chart are this week…

A few things really pop up:

1. A south node, Mars and Saturn make a very particular angle with another—T-square. T-squares are known for the challenges they bring in people's lives. I really think that our first objective in meditating this week is to inject the cosmos with peace for the entire world.

Kabbalistically, we know that the epicenter of the world, the eye of the cyclone, is Jerusalem. So much bloodshed has happened in that famous city, that I always remember what our teacher, The Rav used to say, "Watch what's happening in the eye of the cyclone, and you will know what will happen everywhere else in the world." Beyond any political aspect, the story of that city is a sample of the history of humankind, its spiritual heights and love, and its lowest aspects of violence. What comes to mind with the world’s chart this week, is the need to inject the desire for peace in the hearts of all of humankind. Imagine that tomorrow everyone would wake up with a single thought, "Who can I help today?" This massive wave of consciousness will be, according to spiritual laws, enough to tip the great scale.

2. The moon, mid-heaven, and Pluto are all bundled up in the world’s chart and both in the sign of Capricorn. Clearly, this is not exactly the right week to go clubbing every night, spiritually speaking. The cosmos strongly suggests a meditative and internal state. That is not to say that we should not rejoice—far from it! But it is recommended that we be a bit more serious and really think about all the blessings we wish to receive this upcoming year.

3. FINALLY, as we mentioned already in Rosh Hashanah's chart last week, we are the masters of our destiny and the Light is our co-pilot in the journey. Jupiter, the protector and nurturer of the chart, and the Sun create a sextil, giving it power. As long as our intentions are more elevated, whatever we decide, whatever direction we choose for our lives, Jupiter and your co-pilot will support them.

It is said that on the day of Yom Kippur darkness must disappear from the world and let the Light shine full blast. It’s the retirement day of negativity! We needed that!

So my advice is to dream big and ask for massive Light to shine in your lives. As long as you are willing to share, it will stay yours for the entire year.

Yes, I know one of the paradoxes of life!

To be continued…..

Have an amazing, shining week!

