Astrology Forecast for the Week of Chukat 2013
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Astrology Forecast for the Week of Chukat 2013

Yael Yardeni
juin 11, 2013
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I hope everyone is taking full advantage of the wonderful wisdom of kabbalistic astrology, week after week!

Looking at this week's overall energy, we find a strong dichotomy. How so?

The world's chart is divided into two very different energies (yes, this week again!). Since we are at the tail end of the lunar month of Gemini (Sivan) and the beginning of the lunar month of Cancer (Tamuz), currently many celestial bodies are still in the sign of Gemini: the sun, the moon, Jupiter, and Mars.

Kabbalistically, the energy of Gemini is the most central column of the 12th month. From it we draw a lot of restrictive energy, staying centered no matter what events affect our lives. Gemini’s energy is counterbalanced this week by two other energies: Capricorn and Cancer, whose energy is very strong as we enter this sign.

What does this all signify? Slowly, a deep, more self-inquisitive Light is appearing in the cosmos and coming our way. Many great authors and poets were born under the sign of Cancer because it’s a water sign. Think of Franz Kafka or Jean-Paul Sartre, whose waters run very deep!

How does this affect us? We know that the current portion of the week, Chukat, which always happens in the month of Cancer, speaks about very specific methods of purification that the high priests would use to remove the global energy of death. Kabbalisitically, we learn two amazing things.

First, the energy of endings, lack of continuity, or as the kabbalists call it, death, is created by a specific behavior. In fact, every time we have doubt, refuse to trust the cosmos, or feel tormented about things, we are actually connecting with the energy of endings.

For example, this is why we should never get into an elevator with someone that is scared and sure it will get stuck—because it will! We attract our own nightmares with our uncertainties.

Cancerians are known to have many fears. Money may go missing, their partners may leave them, or the sky may fall on their heads! These thoughts can be transcended with the vaccine created by Chukat. It’s a portion that has the power to purify us, especially from these virus-like thoughts.

In order to see the second amazing lesson, we must understand that the high priest, while performing the purification, will become impure. Our teacher, Rav Berg, tells us: remember, the person who thinks he is so pure or righteous is, in fact, impure. If we are busy calculating what great things we've done, we lose all our merits. The opposite is also true.

As we mentioned before, this week’s chart is also strongly Capricorn. I’ll tell you why! The rising sign and Pluto gather together this week to help us stay realistic and grounded. The energy of Capricorn is exactly 180 degrees from the Cancer energy. Capricorn gives us the strength to see the truth about ourselves, especially because Pluto (the body of life, death, rebirth, and regeneration) is practically sitting on the rising sign of this week’s chart.

Our job this week, is to shed our old fears and doubts. Then we can arrive anew with the birth of the new moon of cancer. In each of us lies an incredible energy of new beginnings, depth, and transformation. Now, we can tap into this Light in a much more powerful way.

Another very important astrological fact is also taking place this week. There is a T-square created between Uranus, Pluto, and Venus. What's the meaning of that? To make sure that whatever we do, we do NOT look for recognition! Whatever decision we make this week is for us. It must stay between us and the Light.

As the kabbalists say, "what is blessed is concealed.”

Have a great week everyone!
