Previsioni Astrologiche dal 9 al 15 Marzo 2025
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Previsioni Astrologiche dal 9 al 15 Marzo 2025

Centre de la Kabbale
mars 9, 2025
Aimer 28 Commentaires 2 Partager

We are heading into an important Full Moon—the cosmic window in time known as Purim in the kabbalistic calendar. This occurs together with a powerful lunar eclipse when the Moon is 23 degrees in Virgo.

Purim is a cosmic window in time that allows us to see the hand of the Creator and the universal intelligence in every situation, whether it appears to be positive or negative. From a kabbalistic point of view, lunar eclipses can be difficult because the Moon is our protector and when it darkens, we are more exposed and vulnerable. It is a great time to reflect and notice where we feel or experience weaknesses. Know that this is the place where you can go within and find strength and the ability to inspire others.

As the week starts, the Moon in Cancer conjuncts Mars in cancer, which can bring some emotional frustration. This is definitely not a good time to hold on to frustration, as the Full Moon can amplify it. Since Mars is not retrograde anymore, we can review and reflect on our relationships with family members and those we are close to. Consider what you have learned in the past few weeks that can be applied in a spiritual way to bring closeness and foster more honesty. The goal is to create positive connections, rather than throwing all our frustrations onto others.

Sunday night the Moon moves to Leo and creates an opposition to Pluto, which brings an intensity of emotion, but it can also bring new beginnings and new opportunities. The journey is in opening our hearts and welcoming change. As we progress toward the Full Moon, this intensity can bring us enormous blessings if we embrace possibility.

The Sun starts the week in Pisces in conjunction with Saturn, our teacher. Here we have the opportunity to take more responsibility in different areas of our lives by aligning our insides with our thoughts and wishes. Being a human is all about creating true soul connections with people. Venus is still retrograde in Aries, which teaches us about relationships. It’s not about the conquest, but the circuitry and interaction.

This is also a time to be cautious about spending. If you see something you like and you feel the urge to buy it, wait a day and see if you still want it or if you lose interest. This week, the kabbalists tell us that when we disconnect from external noise, we can hear our soul and its desires.

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