Astrology Forecast for September 27 - October 3, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for September 27 - October 3, 2020

Yael Yardeni
septembre 27, 2020
Aimer 1 Commentaires Partager

Happy cosmic New Year to all! May this year find all of you in good health!

This week, many interesting astrological events are taking place, which will have a very profound impact on the whole year to come.

First of all, the moon will be full this week, positioned in the sign of Aries and conjunct with Mars. In addition, Mercury has entered the sign of Scorpio, which accounts for a very martial energy present in the cosmos. We still have four planets in retrograde motion (Neptune, Mars, Pluto, and Uranus). Technically, retrograde motions are meant to help us review and correct the past. And what better time to do so then the cosmic window of this week, the wholly-day* of Sukkot?

We know that the 22 days from Rosh Hashanah to Simchat Torah literally help us rewrite our lives, from A to Z. Interestingly, there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, one letter for every day. So great care should be taken to remove all forms of judgment, especially during Sukkot, when the Light of Mercy enters the cosmos and is drawn into our lives. It is also the holiday when we can build a stronger bridge between nations. We are all intertwined and all sparks of the same original vessel. This is the perfect time to feel it deeply in our hearts.

Kabbalistically speaking, the moon rules spirituality, inspiration, and depth. A full moon in Aries is an auspicious time for deeper thoughts and insights and a better understanding of our purpose in life. Since the chart is so “martial,” it inspires us to fight for our beliefs, to stand up for good in a tolerant and open way.

This whole week, we should meditate on eliminating and sweetening judgment, as well as sending Light to all nations of the world. An Aries moon conjunct with Mars is similar to a blood moon and is associated with desire and judgment. Aries is the warrior of the zodiac, ruled by Mars, the red planet. We should absolutely focus on restricting our aggressive nature for the coming two weeks, so we may be showered with blessings this entire year.

The night of October 2nd through October 3rd, we can connect and become warriors for peace. Mark the date on your calendar! And the 72 Name #30, Aleph Vav Mem is on the menu this entire week!

72 Name #30

Have a wonderful and enlightening week!
