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Lecture du thème astral kabbaliste

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Be The Change

Centre de la Kabbale
septembre 2, 2013
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Libra can be a new beginning for those who seize the opportunity. It is no coincidence that the new year, Rosh Hashanah, occurs in the first days of this month. The month of Libra is like any first chapter in a great book, setting the tone for all that follows. To make the most of this month is in fact to make the most of your entire year.

The most beneficial thing you can remember throughout Libra is this spiritual truth: You are the Creator of your life.

As this is a new beginning, it will be helpful to see your life now as a blank slate. Whoever you were up until this point has no bearing on who you choose to be from this point forward. Whatever has happened to you in the past does not define who you are, or dictate where you are headed. It is imperative that you know with every fiber of your being that you have the power to be whatever you want to be, and that you can create for yourself the kind of life you want to be living.

It all begins with consciousness. Picture who you want to be in your mind. Picture what you want your life to look like. (If you don’t know, this is a good month to reflect and ask the universe for clarity by the way.) Once we know what we want, the only thing left is to make sure that our actions and environment are in alignment. Anything that is not in alignment with your new desires and goals is simply not propelling you towards the success you seek.

Be the change you want to see in your life. Walk the talk. Live like you are already the person you envision. Make decisions that push you toward the destiny you want.

By doing so, this month you will create the foundation that can help you manifest a life more like the one you desire in the year to come.
