Counting the Omer 2021: Week 4
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Apprendre à connaître notre âme au travers de la carte astrologique qui nous correspond nous aide à donner plus de sens à notre vie et une meilleure compréhension des expériences auxquelles nous sommes confrontées, des personnes qui nous entourent, du travail que nous faisons au quotidien et de tous les détours auxquels nous sommes confrontés sur notre route.

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Counting the Omer 2021: Week 4

Centre de la Kabbale
avril 15, 2021
Aimer 23 Commentaires 1 Partager

Road to Transformation:

Get out your running shoes! The Omer is a marathon of cosmic cleansing. Kabbalah teaches us that during these forty-nine days following Pesach, we need to take great care in ridding all negative influences from every area of our lives. After Pesach, we begin anticipating Shavuot, the next holiday and in essence the conclusion of Pesach. Pesach was a free connection. The Omer is the work we do to earn the Light of Pesach and Shavuot. We cleanse ourselves by counting the days of the Omer until Shavuot's arrival. The Omer is counted from the second night of Pesach through the night before Shavuot. It is best to count the Omer at nightfall; however, one may count at any time throughout the night.

Over the seven weeks we have the opportunity to break open klipot (negative shells) from within our being, releasing the Light that has been trapped by our own choices. Yes, the extraction process may be painful. But the benefits of releasing the trapped sparks of Light are more than worth it.

CLICK HERE to read 2022's "The Counting of the Omer" article and dates. 

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7

Week 4 - Correcting the Sefira of Netzach

About Netzach

Tree of Life

Netzach, or Victory, resides on the Right Column, just below Chesed. A repository and storehouse of positive energy from Chesed, Netzach radiates the Desire to Share and becomes the channel of that energy as it begins to approach the physical world in which we live. It is, in short, analogous to the sperm that, in union with the egg, ultimately creates the individual human being. Netzach also represents eternity and involuntary processes and is representative of the right brain where the creative process takes place. Netzach is the artist, the poet, the musician, the dreamer and the masculine fertilizing principle.

Consciousness for Week 4 by Karen Berg

Day 22, April 18 - 19, 2021
Today is the energy of Loving-kindness in Endurance; so just for today respect the idea of someone else even if it differs from your own. Give the same time and passion to their thoughts and ideas as you would your own. Once you have internalized their point of view, go back to your own thoughts. Do you still feel the same way?

Day 23, April 19-20, 2021
Today is the energy of Discipline in Endurance. Be painfully aware of one negative behavior that is common to you, whether it is yelling, exhibiting frustration, shutting down, communicating poorly, etc. Just for today be vigilant about controlling that quality. Don't give into it under any circumstances. See how empowered you feel afterwards.

Day 24, April 20-21, 2021
Today is the energy of Compassion in Endurance. If someone upsets you today, call them after the fact and listen to them. Once you understand their life and situation, do you still feel the same about them? Understanding someone's situation is a key to achieving compassion.

Day 25, April 21-22, 2021
Today is the energy of Endurance in Endurance. Today, instead of seeing the negative quality in yourself, see a good quality in yourself. Spend the entire day building on that quality, especially at times when you don't usually bring it forward. Grow the good.

Day 26, April 22-23, 2021
Today is the energy of Humility in Endurance. When we see or experience a work of art we find ourselves in awe of the artist who created it; however, do we also appreciate the Creator who put the eyes in our head to see it? Today, acknowledge God in everything around you: in the fruit you eat, in the sun that shines, in friends that call in the unconditional love of a puppy. It is all God.

Day 27, April 23-24, 2021
Today is the energy of Bonding in Endurance. Choose one positive quality that is not in your nature but that you want to take on, or learn one new thing that can help you be better. Share your new lesson or experience with a friend.

Day 28, April 24-25, 2021
Today is the energy of Leadership in Endurance. The first step in leadership is showing others that you can make mistakes. Today share something you are ashamed of with someone you trust. Exposing your weaknesses is a powerful step to achieving strength.

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7

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