Cultivating the Garden of Our Lives
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Cultivating the Garden of Our Lives

Karen Berg
avril 14, 2014
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Tonight, the 15th of the lunar month of Aries, is known as Pesach. Pesach is not a religious holiday, but rather a powerful cosmic window of opportunity through which we can receive the energy to sustain our spiritual work for the year to come.

Each and every one of us is a flower in the garden of God. But as with any garden, there are weeds—weeds that need to be properly uprooted to prevent them from growing back time and time again.

Pesach is a time for weeding. It is a time for uprooting those things that keep us from revealing our potential in this world—the abandonment issues, the not feeling good enough, the insecurity of being who we are... The list can go on and on, and it is different for each person.

In Kabbalah, we learn that if we can get to the root of these issues and change our consciousness about them, then we can begin to find real freedom.

For example, instead of getting depressed or falling into guilt when we see what is wrong in ourselves, we need to say, “Wow! Creator, thank You for letting me see my demons. Now how can I go above them?”

When we talk about escaping from Egypt, we are talking freeing ourselves from the inside out so that we can walk more lightly, love more, and spread this Light of peace throughout the world through our own transformation and consciousness.

Our personal Egypt is not a friend saying something that we don’t want to hear, or someone looking at us in a way that we think of as rejection. In Kabbalah, we learn that our personal Egypt is our own reactivity and the selfish ego that exists within ourselves.

Remember, whatever weeds we have in our lives, we planted them—either in this lifetime or in past incarnations. We caused the abandoning; we created the insecurities; we rejected. Right now, we are back here to change those things, to purge whatever negative is going on in our lives.

We are here to uproot the weeds from the garden, so that each one of us can face our flower towards the sun.

Wishing you a Happy Holiday.
