Discovering Your Strength: 5 Reasons You’re More Powerful Than You Know
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Discovering Your Strength: 5 Reasons You’re More Powerful Than You Know

Adapté du Podcast Spiritually Hungry de Monica and Michael Berg. Ecoutez et abonnez-vous ici.
mai 24, 2021
Aimer 23 Commentaires 7 Partager

Life is hard. There’s no denying it. From daily challenges to personal tragedies to global injustices, it can often feel overwhelming, like we are powerless. It can seem like we have no control over the chaos and no say in the direction of our lives.

The truth is, our minds and souls are more powerful than we give them credit for. We each have a beautiful spark of the Creator within us, which means that our potential is limitless!

Here are 5 reasons you are more powerful than you even know:

  1. You have the choice to see the good in every situation. We don’t always see the reality of our own experiences. We often have a natural bias towards seeing the negative over the positive. For instance, if you have a really good time at a party, but near the end of the night, someone makes a rude comment to you, more often than not, that negative comment is how you will remember the night. One small negative experience can somehow override all of the good experiences you had throughout the night.  

    We all have the choice to focus our minds on the good or the bad in every situation. We may not be able to change what happens to us, but we can change our perception of what we are going through. Two people can go through the same thing but experience them completely differently based only on their perception. The situation isn’t what matters, just how we see it. When we focus on the positive, our experience of life is more positive, even in trying times.

    You have the ability to change your frame of mind and shape your experience of life.
  1. You have the power to change. Some people believe they are who they are, and nothing can change that. In reality, people grow and transform all the time. Change is not only possible, but the very reason we came into this world. You have the ability to change almost anything with the help of the Creator. The most joy and Light will come into your life through the process of change.
  1. You have the ability to create your own joy. When we feel an area of lack in our lives, it’s easy to point the finger at other people as the cause. We might tell ourselves, “Success came easier to that person than to me. That person is more talented than I am. If that person hadn’t done that to me, everything would be better in my life.” While those things may be true, it doesn’t mean that we are helpless victims to the universe.

    It’s much easier to tell these stories about other people than to take ownership of our own happiness. But in the process, it gives all of our power away to other people. If we think our hurt is based on another person, then we believe the solution is also reliant on them. This keeps us stuck from moving on because we don’t see anything we can do to change our circumstances.

    Blaming other people and shaming ourselves takes a lot of energy. Take that energy and put it into what you desire out of life and who you want to become instead. Although it takes a lot of energy to grow and change, you’ll also receive a lot of positive energy along the way.

    Don’t allow the wrongdoings, injustices, or mistakes of other people shape your happiness. Don’t let fear of failure stop you from trying. You have the power to chase your dreams, pursue change, and bring Light into the world.
  2. You can use challenges to grow. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that there are two main ways that we grow: through growing our internal desire to change and through external challenges that force us to change. No matter how much spiritual work we do, most of us still need a kick in the pants every now and then. The Creator sends us challenges to help guide us in our journey. If we got to choose the path of our lives, we would never grow as much as we are meant to. Challenges are not punishments - they are necessary opportunities for growth.

    We don’t always understand why things happen to us. Even in the times you can’t see the reasons clearly, know that it is coming from the Light of the Creator for your benefit. Look at your challenges not as something that shouldn’t happen to you, but rather as something you need in order to grow.
  3. You have the Creator on your side. The Creator wants what is best for us and to give us everything we need for a fulfilling life. The Creator guides us, pushes us, and gives us the strength we need to become the best versions of ourselves and to achieve the impossible. No matter how big the obstacle, know that the Creator has your back. You are not alone! Together with the Creator, you can achieve anything.

As you go through your day, take a mental note whenever you feel helpless, out of control, or like a victim. The more you recognize these moments, the more you are able to redirect your focus and reclaim your power. Find the positive, the lesson, the blessing in every trial, focus on your personal growth, and trust that the Creator is there to guide you.

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