Give Me A Cure
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Give Me A Cure

Centre de la Kabbale
janvier 25, 2013
Aimer 3 Commentaires Partager

“He said to us: If men only knew the wisdom of all that the Holy One, blessed be He, has planted in the earth, and all the power of all that which is to be found in the world, they would acknowledge the power of their Master in His great wisdom. But the Holy One, blessed be He, has purposely hidden this wisdom from men in order that they do not turn from His ways by trusting in that wisdom alone, thus forgetting Him.” - Zohar, Yitro, Verse 277

In this week’s Zohar portion, Rav Shimon and his students discuss the various herbs and natural medicines that exist on our planet. Rav Shimon teaches that for every disease, for every negative affliction in this world, a cure exists.

Upon reading this, many people might ask: why does God not openly reveal these natural medicines? Or to take it one step further, why does God not openly reveal to us all the cures to all of our problems?

If God were to do that, reveal to us all the cures for all of our problems—not just of sickness, but of every big or small problem we face—such as money or career issues, relationships, and so forth—then we would not go through the process of learning what our souls came here to do. If we never had to work through a problem to get to the solution, we would never either appreciate what we have once we receive it, or grow as a person.

However, if we face every challenge knowing with certainty that God did not create any problem without a solution, that there is in fact an answer right there waiting for us at the end of it all, we can work through it and face it with less fear and apprehension. We can know, with certainty, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel; God put it there specifically for us and wants us to have it. We can know, without a doubt, that the solution will be revealed. It has to… because it was created at the same time as the problem.

As God created this world based on the law that the cure must precede the disease, if there is a disease, there is a cure to it. Not just metaphysically—but practically and physically.

That is why all the various herbs, vegetation, flowers were created—for the purposes of healing. But whether it is trouble with health, prosperity, happiness, or wisdom, everything comes from the Creator; the problem comes from the Creator to give us the chance to grow, to give us the opportunity to get to the solution through a process our soul needs.

Knowing that the source of everything is the Light of the Creator means having total certainty and trust that there is a solution to every problem we face, a cure to every affliction we encounter, and in trusting that the problems which do come into our lives are opportunities from the Creator for us to grow. In so doing, we will be able to receive all the blessings that are meant for us.

To further maximize the spiritual energy of this week, we can use our daily challenges to put this spiritual lesson into practice:

If you face a problem this week, embrace it! Know that it is an opportunity sent to you by the Light. Know, with certainty, that there is a solution waiting for you at the end of it.

Attribute both your problems and their solutions to the Light of the Creator. It all comes from God. When we are able to think and act in this way, especially this week, we will open ourselves up to reveal the real blessings waiting to be revealed to us, both personally and globally.

Read the full Zohar portion of Yitro and connect to the energy of the week here.
