Holy Audacity
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Holy Audacity

Centre de la Kabbale
décembre 2, 2013
Aimer 2 Commentaires Partager
When we encounter tremendous difficulty, most of us will readily ask the Creator for help. We pray that things will work out, knowing that His plan may differ from ours. We pray and then we wait. However, it takes a special kind of person to demand help of the Creator. These individuals are rare. But when their boldness inspires them to tell the Creator exactly what they desire, the Creator listens. Such daring souls have shaped history. They exhibit something called, “holy audacity” and it is sometimes necessary to achieve extraordinary results.

Holy audacity is a state of consciousness that requires more work than our ordinary spiritual practice. According to Michael Berg, having holy audacity means, “We must push ourselves further to achieve it, not because we are so spiritually elevated, but because we want it for the sake of changing the world.” This is not work for the undedicated soul. Holy audacity is something that inspires souls to commit their lives to radical change.

History is peppered with stories of individuals and small groups of people who come together, make demands of the Creator, and manifest change. The biblical chapter, Vayigash, begins with the words, Vayigash elav Yehuda, or “Yehuda stood up to Joseph.” This chapter tells the story in which Yehuda is able to bring an end to the pain of his entire family by awakening holy audacity within himself. The chapter coincides with the celebration of Chanukah. Both stories describe what happens when people rise up together for a great cause.

The Maccabees rose up against their Greek ruler, Antiochus, who had been known for slaughtering innocent people without discrimination in the name of maintaining power. The Greek army was larger in numbers, stronger, and better trained than the Maccabean army. Yet, Judah Maccabee was inspired by holy audacity. He was so aggressive in battle it was as if he demanded the Creator to ride alongside him. With great bravery he led the people of Israel to finally defeat Antiochus’ army in 167 BCE.

When the Maccabees returned to the Temple in Jerusalem, they found it in complete ruins. It had been desecrated at the hands of the Greek army. The Maccabees purified and rededicated it. Over the next eight days, they came to the Temple to celebrate while oil that was only expected to last for one night continued to burn for the entire celebration.

We continue to light the Chanukah menorah each year. With each candle not only do we bring more Light into the world and awaken miracles in our lives, but we also connect to the cause, to the holy audacity with which these brave souls fought.

Why rise up? It seems that every generation gives way to souls who set themselves apart through their heroic actions. Yet, holy audacity is not reserved for a select few. “Every one of us must ask for this assistance,” says Michael, “not because we deserve it, not because we spiritually earned it, but because we want to create a change in our world and a change in our lives.”

So how do we achieve this? We awaken holy audacity within ourselves by reminding ourselves that we can tap into the energy of the great heroes that came before us at any time. They already opened the channel of Light for us. All we have to do is tap into this Light in order to create miracles.

“We are not being asked to create a path where there is none, nor are we awakening anything new,” says Michael. “We are simply finding trails to the miraculous that the spiritual giants of history have blazed for us.” Be audacious and never underestimate the power you hold to achieve great things.
