I Am God
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I Am God

Centre de la Kabbale
janvier 6, 2013
Aimer 3 Commentaires Partager

Kabbalists have an expression: Everything is for the good. This could be the greatest secret for learning life’s lessons faster, growing stronger quicker, and making miracles easier.

In recent weeks the Zohar has been teaching us about combining intention and repentance with our positive actions. This week the Zohar is letting us know one more variable to add into the equation: the awareness of the bigger partner in our life. God.

What is God? According to kabbalists, God is the force of goodness always leading us towards goodness.

In the portion of Va'era, the kabbalists expound upon the first commandment: “Know that I am God your King, who brought you out of Egypt.” Va'era teaches us that there is a reason why this was chosen as the first commandment. Simply put, we must let God into the equation. When we face life’s best and worst situations by first “knowing” God, we find fulfillment and miracles in every step of the process.

“When the Israelites left Egypt, they did not know God. When Moses came to them, he taught them the first commandment, as is written, "And you shall know that I am God your King, who brought you out of Egypt.

After they knew this commandment, miracles and mighty deeds were performed for them.” - Zohar, Va'era, Verse 57

The Zohar goes on to discuss the two realms of this world: the general and the particular. The “particular” is the difficult situation in front of us, and the trap we fall into of trying to figure out why chaos is occurring in our lives. The “general” is the big picture consciousness that God is in the details.

If we do not have this general understanding of the big picture, then we will never be able to figure out our lessons and grow because we will be focusing too much on the particular situations.

Why spin our wheels wallowing in wondering where we went wrong, or wishing it wouldn’t have happened in the first place, when we can put our focus on knowing that somehow, somewhere this situation is for the good?

So many times the sitra achra (our negative inclination) wants us to focus on the “fix-its” in life. Before we allow ourselves to have certainty that a challenge is all for the good, the sitra achra wants us to think, "I will deal with the details. I will deal with my lessons. I will deal with what I should have done in order to learn what I should do in the future."

Rather, beforehand we need to be in an elevated state of trust. We need to be in a state of knowing that our challenges will lead towards blessings. Because if we are too caught up with the details, our spirit will be low and we will not be energized.

Even with all the spiritual exercises of repentance, we will not learn any lessons if we are not in a state of faith. Scanning the portion of Va'era this week gives you energy to maintain this elevated state of trust. You can also practice pausing and putting this concept to work throughout the day.

If you have an important meeting, even if you feel that you’re fully prepared, just pause for a second and think: "God, I need you. I need you in the process."

If you are going through a major challenge, the natural tendency is to get lost in doubts and solutions: "How am I going to solve it?" "How am I going to come out of it?"  "People think badly of me; what am I going to do?"

This week, STOP chasing doubts and solutions, and START replacing them with: "God, I need you. You are the source of all solutions."  Then go back and attend to the particular practicalities at hand.

Acknowledge God first, then do everything you can, and do it with excitement. Miracles will ensue.

Read the full Zohar portion of Va'era and connect to the energy of the week here.
