In Our Hearts and Prayers
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In Our Hearts and Prayers

Karen Berg
décembre 21, 2012
Aimer 1 Commentaires 2 Partager

There is no greater pain then the pain of losing a loved one before their time. But the grief felt when a parent buries a child is impossible to comprehend. For those of us on a spiritual path, we turn to our sources: Stories in the Bible that provide lessons and help us deal with situations that might seem above the natural law of the universe; stories that remind us in the worst of times that God is ever present.

We know that Aaron lost his two sons, and though theirs was a death of the righteous and the path for their souls was blessed and Light-filled, Aaron still lost his children.

It is so much harder to understand God’s ways when those so innocent and small are taken from this world and our lives. Though no words of compassion can ease that pain perhaps the understanding that, although our bodies are finite, our souls are eternal and the work of a soul transcends the actions of misguided and troubled people who take the lives of others.

I remember reading a story about a couple who lost their only child. In their pleas to Heaven for understanding an angel came to them and told them that the soul of their precious boy was a righteous soul, who had a very small job left to do that only required five years in this world. Once he had completed his work, he returned to the Creator to assist Him from above as the righteous do. Though it appeared that his little life was taken by disease, in fact his soul’s job was complete.

While we may not understand it with our limited mind, there is a beautiful picture that we can connect to where these little souls have finished their work and they are now together with the Creator assisting the rest of us down here to open our hearts, to support those in need, and to remain united even in the time of suffering.

My prayers and the prayers of our global community are joined together with the prayers of all those around the world, and we extend our commitment to do our utmost to remember the lessons of human dignity, tolerance, and unconditional love no matter what.

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