Monthly Impact: How Your Donations Are Bringing Light to the World
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Lecture du thème astral kabbaliste

Apprendre à connaître notre âme au travers de la carte astrologique qui nous correspond nous aide à donner plus de sens à notre vie et une meilleure compréhension des expériences auxquelles nous sommes confrontées, des personnes qui nous entourent, du travail que nous faisons au quotidien et de tous les détours auxquels nous sommes confrontés sur notre route.

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Monthly Impact: How Your Donations Are Bringing Light to the World

Michael Berg
juillet 7, 2020
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I hope you and your loved ones are well and safe. It cannot be sugarcoated: these have been difficult days. Our lives have been upended by a worldwide pandemic, and more recently, we’ve seen the killing of another unarmed African American, George Floyd, at the hands of police officers rip open a deep wound in our national psyche. And yet, I maintain hope. As the Kabbalistic sages I’ve spent my life studying taught, the Creator is with us in difficult times. No matter how heavy the disconnect we experience may be, we must remind ourselves that the Light is with us.

If we can choose to see the Light, even if it’s only a tiny spark in the darkness, it will come to our aid. For darkness is dominant only when we don’t make a little room for the Light.

Applying the tools of Kabbalah fans even the tiniest of sparks into a healthy fire. This is why we exist. To take even the smallest possibility and help to realize its potential. Your support makes it possible for us to share the life-changing tools and wisdom of Kabbalah with thousands of people, from all walks of life and backgrounds, around the world. This fills me with hope. I pray it does so for you, as well.

Every time we perform an action of sharing, small or large, the Light and energy we infuse into our act of sharing brings an even greater Light to the world. The Kabbalah Centre is the pillar that unites our collective consciousness, our collective power to manifest true, positive change in our world.

To learn more about our current programs and how The Kabbalah Centre shares the life-changing wisdom of Kabbalah, please visit

Ways in which youve helped this month:

We’re making it easier to connect to the wisdom.

Since March, our concerted effort to make studying Kabbalah even easier and more accessible has been carried out in two ways:

First, we’ve launched all-new content and offered our popular livestreams for free. We have also implemented a pay-what-you-can model. The main highlights include the 12 Days of Aries, Pesach, our Global Healing Calls, Global Kabbalah 1, and our weekly Shabbat Connections.

Second, we’ve simplified the approval process for a 6-month Onehouse Community Membership scholarship.

As a result of both actions, we’ve seen remarkable numbers in participation and charity. Since closing our doors in March, livestreaming participation has gone up. And since we began offering free content in April, we’ve seen a tremendous increase in streaming attendees, including a 40% spike for Shabbat connections. Nearly 2,000 people have signed up for a free membership to And a significant increase in the requests for scholarships has allowed students in South America, the US, London, Manila, and Mexico to stay connected to the wisdom. The feedback and gratitude we got was overwhelming. I welcome all of our new students and contributors and look forward to the months ahead.

We’ve reached over 8,000 students across 48 countries in our Global Kabbalah 1 courses.

I’m tremendously excited to share that in April, we successfully launched the first-ever Global Kabbalah 1 with Eitan Yardeni. We had 2,263 students, 1525 of which are brand new!

In May, we launched three more Global Kabbalah 1 courses: for teens, for Spanish speakers, and for Europe. Combined, these reached another nearly 6,000 students.

Our viewership spans over 48 countries, including Turkey, South Africa, Philippines, Brazil, Venezuela, and Morocco. To ensure the best possible engagement and support, our team is sending out weekly reminders and class recaps, and our teachers throughout all time zones are hosting regular Zoom meetings to allow for local interaction on a personal level. We’ve not only been able to reach new masses, but also provide the care to do so. Thank you to all involved

We partnered with charity:water and provided clean water to Malawi.

The non-profit organization charity:water, in partner with World Vision, has the goal to make sure that every single person on the planet has access to clean and safe water. In 2018, The Kabbalah Centre contributed to a project that provided a well for people living in the Ntcheu district of Malawi. Our proceeds came from sales of our Giving Water – for each bottle sold, we provided 10 liters of clean drinking water to people in need. The project was recently completed, and now 66,265 more people have access to clean water.

The power of the Zohar during the Omer.

I would like to take the time to reflect on the Omer this year and the power our community displayed during this trying time. Leading up to Lag b’Omer, we launched a 3-part campaign that included 4 powerful video lessons about the Zohar, as well as the most ambitious Virtual Zohar Project to date – committing to offer 16,000 free Zohars through our online store. We held a fundraising initiative to support our efforts, and, in a four-week period, we surpassed our fundraising goal as the Zohar made its way into 4,300 new homes! Thousands of students streamed with us throughout each of these powerful nights, and together, we revealed the Light through study and actions of true, unconditional sharing. The project is still ongoing until we give out all 16K Zohars – if you’d like to send a free Zohar to a loved one, follow the link below and be sure to use promo code SHARETHEZOHAR at check out!


Volunteers in London delivered food and toiletries to shelters and schools during COVID-19.

The spread of COVID-19 has gravely affected the most disadvantaged communities in London, partially due to uncontrolled stockpiling of foods, toiletries, and other essentials. With food banks running low, donations dropping, and a shortage of volunteers, there are innumerable families without enough food to eat. Action 4 London and Kabbalah Centre London volunteers took action and have so far delivered and funded over 2,000 freshly cooked meals to those in need. The group has also donated 3,250 cans of food and 500 toiletry items to shelters and primary schools that have kids reliant on free school meals.

Sometimes the most painful moments of our lives can lead to our deepest moments of truths, both internal and external. And in our truth, we can experience the beauty and fulfillment of the Light. Today more than ever, your support is needed. Your generosity is crucial to the spread of kabbalistic tools and wisdom, as it allows us to enhance our content and share it with more people in more parts of the world. Please consider making a gift to The Kabbalah Centre. Visit today.

With blessings,

Michael Berg
