Pre-Love Instead of Pre-Judge
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Pre-Love Instead of Pre-Judge

Centre de la Kabbale
août 19, 2015
Aimer 2 Commentaires 1 Partager

Kabbalist Rav Berg said that it is the easiest thing in the world for us to be judgmental. We often feel the need to prove that we’re right and the other person is wrong. But here's the catch: When we judge others, we actually attract judgment upon ourselves.

Our consciousness creates our reality. So when we judge, we create a reality in which we will be judged. How do we judge? We logically and rationally gather facts through our 5 senses – seeing, hearing, touching, feeling, tasting – and then we place a judgment on what we are experiencing or the person/people we are engaging with.

There is another way, however. We can actually use the power of our consciousness to create an alternate and beautiful reality. They say ignorance is bliss, but that's not what we're talking about here. We can still observe, but we don't have to place everything into either a good or bad box in our brains. Instead, we can choose to control how we respond.

Our response starts with the kind of information we let in. When we let negative, limited information into our system, it’s a lot harder to rid ourselves of it than not letting in negativity in the first place.

This is the reason that in this week's portion, Shoftim (which means ‘judges’), the Creator tells Moses to put guards at all of his gates. For us, these ‘gates’ are the entrance and exit points of energy in our body and life.

With so much information popping in front of our eyes every second of the day – emails, social media feeds, ads, and the list goes on – we have to be very watchful and vigilant in choosing what kind of information we let into our consciousness. This is science!

“A corresponding pattern of neural pathways is formed according to the content of information and experience. The most important and influential information forming neural pathways relates to life value. Whenever you place the highest value neural connections will be developed to facilitate pursuit and achievement of that value.” – From the book Brain Respiration by Ilchi Lee.

Practically speaking, ask yourself, Is this going to be bring me to a better state of mind and love, or bring me to a negative state of divisiveness?

We have the power to choose how we use our minds, our brains, and our consciousness. Is your love for humanity and unity going to grow, or will you contribute to the fragmented consciousness of me versus them?

All mankind, according to wisdom of Kabbalah, came here to experience the beneficence of Light. Joy, happiness, peace and so much more is our birth right. The more we act like this endless force of giving and sharing, the more Light we will experience and create from others. And that begins with removing our blockages.

As my teacher, Karen Berg, says: Let's pre-love instead of pre-judge.

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