Tackling Depression
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Tackling Depression

Centre de la Kabbale
décembre 23, 2013
Aimer 5 Commentaires Partager

The natural course of life takes us through ups and downs. Often the downs make the ups all the more sweet. Usually, we move through the sad times, knowing that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. But occasionally, we find ourselves stuck in a rut without a quick or easy way out. When sadness lingers longer than usual, it’s possible that what we are really experiencing is depression. It is estimated that ten percent of Americans suffer from depression. A common misperception is that those experiencing depression can simply “snap” out of it. Treatment is far more complex. Modern approaches to dealing with depression include counseling, exercise, medication, or herbal remedies. While any combination of these can relieve some of the symptoms of depression, Kabbalah provides a different course of action.

Depression can be triggered by sudden tragedy, biological shifts in the body, illness, or hardship. For others, depression is caused by physical or emotional abuse experienced over a long period of time. Sadness is often an indication that we aren’t living up to our potential. Indeed, many who suffer from depression feel unfulfilled, lost, or disappointed.

Kabbalah can light the path out of depression. Yehuda Berg outlines practical tools for shifting perceptions and creating sustainable change in his book, Rebooting. Here are three tools he recommends for shedding Light on the darkness of depression.

Sharing With Others

First, we need to step up our game when it comes to sharing with others. We often share when the opportunity arises—a stick of gum, a cup of flour. These things are easy to give. But how often do we go out of our way to help others? It is far less convenient to share when we feel we have limited resources, especially when those resources are emotional. Acting outside of our comfort zone is how we kabbalistically create more Light in our lives. Volunteer work, taking action in our communities, and assisting those around us in need helps us to connect to others and creates a feeling of good will that can lift our spirits. “It instantly multiplies the size of our Vessel and the desire we have for life, love, and Light,” says Yehuda. “Remember that even small acts of selfless compassion lead to big Light-filled rewards at the end of the day.”

Practice Appreciation

Next, we need to practice appreciation. Taking the time to become consciously aware of our gifts and blessings can greatly alter our perspective. At first, gratitude can seem forced. For some, it’s a “fake it until you make it” situation. Taking the time to recognize the blessings around us every day is vital to overcoming depression. We start by expressing gratitude for small things in our lives. Eventually, we will see that our gifts are abundant and continue to grow. “Appreciation is integral to revealing Light in our lives,” Yehuda tells us. “Without appreciation, all the wonderful people and situations in our lives would slip by unnoticed. We could have the whole world at our feet, but if we failed to appreciate these gifts, it would be as though we had nothing at all.”

Resist Reaction

Another important step in eradicating depression is to be proactive. Many people who cope with depression feel that things are happening to them, as if they have little control over events as they unfold. Responding to the world from this attitude is reactive behavior. When we withdraw from the world we are less likely to share our talents and gifts with others. This becomes a downward spiral drawing us deeper and deeper into darkness. Proactive behavior means challenging this tendency. “When we act proactively,” explains Yehuda, “we recognize that nothing is ever happening to us; we are in charge of ourselves…Every time we share, we behave proactively, and every time we restrict our reactive impulses, we are behaving proactively.” By doing so, we inevitably shift our behavior to be in harmony with the Light of the Creator.
