The 12 Days of Aries: Healing the Inner Child Day 8 - Scorpio
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The 12 Days of Aries: Healing the Inner Child Day 8 - Scorpio

Karen Berg
avril 15, 2016
Aimer 1 Commentaires Partager

"The cry we hear from deep in our hearts comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain will transform negative emotions."
-Thich Nhat Hanh

The month of Aries is the start of the lunar new year. It is called in Hebrew “Rosh Chodashim,” the head of all months. As the seed of the year and the DNA of all the coming months, it affords us the opportunity to plant seeds with our consciousness to do deep inner work that will soften our journey and smooth our path to change.

The first 12 days of Aries are especially important as they each correspond to one of the 12 months of the coming year. The sixteenth century Kabbalist Rav Isaac Luria explains that the spiritual work we do on these 12 days influences what we will experience in the corresponding months to come.

To guide you through a process of internal transformation, I am going to overlay two modalities, Kabbalistic astrology and the inner child archetype, to assist us to do profound work of healing from within.

My hope is that with the knowledge of the cosmic opportunity ahead of us these next 12 days, a gift given to us by the great Kabbalists, together with an exploration of our inner self, we can begin embracing our child so that we can move to our spiritual growth and maturity.

Looking forward to taking this journey with you.

The 12 Days of Aries: Day 8, Scorpio

Welcome to Day 8 of the 12 Days of Aries, which begins at sundown on Friday, April 15 and ends at sundown on Saturday, April 16.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. Fixed signs have the energy of focus and direction, and water signs have the gift of feelings and sensitivity. Scorpios, in particular, are known to have deep emotions and a lot of desire. People born under this sign can be the personification of, “still waters run deep.” They deal with a lot of fears in their lifetime and tend towards suspicion and jealousy. The motto of Scorpio is, "I desire, therefore, I am."

The Scorpio Inner Child Archetype holds unresolved pain, trauma, and fears from childhood. It is afraid of giving up control and can be unyielding and manipulative because of this fear.

All of us have a bit of this Inner Child Archetype. Maybe we find ourselves being controlling of others or overly suspicious of their motives. Whatever the situation, the most important thing is not to judge our inner child. In this case, it is motivated by fear and judging the fear will not help to heal it. Our Scorpio Inner Child Archetype gives us the opportunity to reach inwards and strengthen our trust in the Light of the Creator and in the goodness that exists in this universe.

Consciousness for the Day: Release your fears to the Light. Love yourself and others. “Let go and let God.” Find a place and time to sing out loud: music is an incredible tool we can use draw healing energy for ourselves and thereby also benefit others.

Most importantly, be gentle with yourself and your inner child. You are work in progress and a child of God who loves you. Healing comes from positively acknowledging what we need to change, not from beating ourselves up.
