The Second Week of The Omer and The Grand Cross
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The Second Week of The Omer and The Grand Cross

Karen Berg
avril 21, 2014
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Welcome to the 2nd week of the spiritually powerful time known as the "Omer." ( If you haven’t heard about the Omer check out my recent blog post by clicking here).

On Wednesday of this week, we will experience the height of the astrological phenomenon known as the Cardinal Grand Cross which is formed by four planets-Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter, and Mars- being at 90 degree angles from each other. As we mentioned before, this specific configuration signals big changes that can manifest for us individually and collectively. Our work (as students of spiritual consciousness) is to make sure the transformation that will occur will be from the negative to the positive; from destruction to construction; from darkness to Light. This transformation applies not only to to our personal lives but also to the evolution of the world.

The Kabbalists have always said that humanity’s most powerful "tool" is the power of choice. No matter what situation or problem arises, we have the ability to choose how to respond to it. Will we react in our usual, robotic, ways- be it with selfishness, anger, insecurity or ego? Or, will we choose to carve out a new destiny for ourselves by pausing and responding proactively?

There is a heightened energy this week in the universe- a polarity, a potential for great Light or great darkness. The direction of this polarity is dependent upon our individual and collective consciousness – we can make a difference through prayer, meditation, and conscious sharing actions. This can be a time of great joy and energy; a time for each person to find his or her own purpose.

Each day I will post daily exercises that will enable us together and separately to put our spirituality into practice to ensure that we tip the scales towards the positive. Please feel free to post your thoughts and experiences and have a great week


