Three Simple Steps to a Better Month
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Three Simple Steps to a Better Month

Karen Berg
avril 28, 2014
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Welcome to the month of Taurus.  The first word that comes to mind to describe people born in this month is stubbornness, but as with most things in life, there is a positive and a negative to this attribute. On the negative side, it is hard for Taureans to let go of believing they are right, and they find it very difficult to change. On the positive side, this stubbornness makes them extremely loyal and persistent, so they make good friends and hard workers once they manage to overcome their natural tendency to be lazy.

Taureans have an innate ability to appreciate beauty, whether of nature, good music, art, or good food. They enjoy all of life’s comforts—sometimes, perhaps, a little too much. This is why, from a spiritual perspective, it is always powerful for a Taurus to get out of his or her comfort zone and move forward.

With their ability to stick to a routine, stay grounded, and think logically, Taureans can be good with banking and investments. Since the material world and comfort are so important to them, their homes, families, and possessions are usually their top priorities.

We learn in Kabbalah that all of us, not just those of us who are born under the sign of Taurus, will be affected by the energy of Taurus this month.

So what kind of goals can we set for ourselves?

1. Beware of the comfort zone. Especially on the first day of the month (the new moon), try to find a way to do something that is outside your habitual routine. Take a different route to work, get up extra early, or call a friend that you haven’t spoken with in a long time. Wherever you have the same old routine in your life, do something different.

2. Build a firm foundation. The month of Taurus is a great time for organizing and planning. Create that business plan that’s been on your back burner. Set up a six-month or one-year plan for moving forward. Tackle those odds and ends that you have been putting off. The grounded energy of Taurus supports this kinds of work.

3. Strive to create harmony in your home. Don’t be surprised if that uncle you haven’t heard from in years reaches out to you, or if other family connections rise to the surface. Whatever happens, make it your priority to extend the olive branch and create peace. Remember, the reason a palm tree is able to grow so tall is because it learned to bend!

Chodesh Tov (Good Month)!


