Transforming Darkness into Light
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Transforming Darkness into Light

Karen Berg
mai 13, 2013
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Welcome to the month of Gemini.

Gemini is an air sign, and like all air signs, it is about the intellect. People born under this sign can usually be found seeking new avenues of information. They make perfect “spiritual surfers,” although they may find it hard to stay in one place for too long because they get bored easily. Usually charismatic and confident, they are capable of doing a lot and are fantastic politicians.

People born under the sign of Gemini can be jolly, wonderful, and open with you on one day, but then the next day, they can pass you by like the wind. It’s not that they don’t like you. It’s just that they have difficulty dealing with feelings and they tend to become confused when it comes to anything that is not on the intellectual level. Yet, as with everything in our lives, where there is a challenge, there is the energy for Light.

One of the highest souls that ever came to this world was Rav Chaim Vital, a student of the Ari. Chaim had particular difficulty managing his anger, so much so that every time he tried to rise up the spiritual ladder, he fell on his face.

One day, Chaim asked his teacher, “Please tell me, when will I meet my soul mate?” The Ari turned to him and said, “When you overcome your anger and your soul level can reach the soul level of Rav Akiva (another Kabbalist), then and only then will you be allowed your soul mate.”

With Rav Chaim Vital, we see that his anger, his inability to control his own way, brought him down. But when he created a space whereby he could rise above his nature, he became a major spiritual figure. Eventually, because of his spiritual work, he did end up marrying his soul mate.

Why am I sharing this story with you?

Rav Ashlag, the founder of the Kabbalah Centre, wrote that there is no such a thing as Light without darkness. This month, the cosmos will provide us the opportunities we need to change and grow, but we must be open enough to see them.

So here is our spiritual plan of attack:

1. Create a goal. It might be “I’m not going to scream anymore,” or “I’m going to try to talk more softly,” or “I’m not going to lie.” Whatever it is, create a small goal for yourself and stick to it.

2. Try to follow through. Communicate, follow up, and finish. We all love to start things. But like the classic Gemini, that is it: All we do is start. The idea this month is to focus: to take what we start and see it through to the end.

3. Bring depth into what you do and learn. Oftentimes, the Gemini is like a jack-of-all-trades. But this month, whether we are interested in a new business or a new procedure, let’s learn it thoroughly.

4. Seek balance and recognize mistakes. This month, let’s take responsibility for our actions and say, “OK, this is something I’ve done. How can I move forward either with it or in spite of it?”

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, when we come to a spiritual class or event and feel good about ourselves, let’s not forget what we’ve learned and how we feel when we walk out the door. Remember, we must lead by example. Those whom we feel would benefit from becoming involved in a spiritual pathway should first see the value of spirituality in our behavior. That is the biggest experience and the greatest lesson we can give them.
