An Overview of the Seder
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Pesach: The Technology of Freedom

An Overview of the Seder

Publié: novembre 15, 2013
Enregistré le: mars 22, 2011

Aimer 2 Commentaires Partager

Point clés du cours

  • The challenge of attending Pesach
  • Attending with the consciousness of being a channel for others
  • The Light is the source of everything
  • Seder: the 15 step process to inject order into our year
  • Overview of the 15 steps of the Seder:
    • Kadesh: connecting to Binah
    • Urchatz: inviting angels
    • Karpas: connecting with the critical mass of consciousness
    • Yachatz: defeating the ego
    • Magid: drawing the energy of life
    • Rachtza: cleansing
    • Motzi: removing our ego (with the matzah)
    • Maror: vaccine against negativity and death
    • Korech: transforming negative fears
    • Shulchan Orech: the meal
    • Tzafun: removing negative fears
    • Barech: mannifesting the spiritual energy of the meal
    • Halel: building an extra vessel to capture the Light of Pesach
    • Nirtza: acheiving certainty and true freedom


Description du cours

Tha major connection that is unique to the holiday of Pesach is the Seder, a fifteen step proceduring using kabbalistic prayers and meditations along with special foods like wine and matzah to tap into the energy of freedom available on the first night of the holiday. Join Mordechay Balas for an overview of the Seder including the consciousness behind each of the fifteen steps.

Au sujet de ce cours

Kabbalists reveal that the holiday of Pesach or Passover is a powerful tool that can empower us to experience true freedom from the greatest prison of all, our ego. Utilizing kabbalistic prayers and meditations during this seven day period can free us from limitations and make connections that enhance the quality of our lives for the next year.This course will provide you with an understanding of how to prepare for Pesach, the tools used to connect with the Light available during this holiday and provides a foundation for elevating your consciousness and making the greatest connection possible to the energy of freedom during Pesach.

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