novembre 19, 2013
Enregistré le:
mars 18, 2009
The importance of developing unity as part of our spiritual work becomes even more important in this lesson from Michael. Unity is the foundation for peace, the foundation which the Light of the Final Redemption rests on. While in the desert, the work of the Israelites was to constantly expand their ability to care and create unity amongst themselves. On the Shabbat of Vayakhel-Pekudei, those of us who truly awaken a desire and beg for unity receive that power to care for others and create unity from Moses. Michael also warns us of how damaging seeking approval is as it blinds us and prevents us from changing.
Rejoignez Michael Berg, co-directeur du Centre de la Kabbale, alors qu'il transmet les enseignements des plus grands kabbalistes de l'Histoire dans ses puissantes leçons sur les dons et l'énergie que nous offre chaque semaine.