novembre 19, 2013
Enregistré le:
avril 29, 2009
This Shabbat is a tremendous opening to connect with love, joy, happiness and being beyond death. We not only have the assistance of Nadav and Avihu, the sons of Aaron the High Priest, but also Rav Akiva, Elijah the Prophet, Enoch, all of who achieved a level of total cleaving to the Light. As Michael stresses, this is an important Shabbat and we have a tremendous responsibility to share this Light with the world. This is truly a Shabbat of connection.
Rejoignez Michael Berg, co-directeur du Centre de la Kabbale, alors qu'il transmet les enseignements des plus grands kabbalistes de l'Histoire dans ses puissantes leçons sur les dons et l'énergie que nous offre chaque semaine.